
nán qū
  • southern district
  1. CFTC的感谢纽约南区的曼哈顿区检察官办公室,美国联邦调查局和美国联邦检察官办公室提供的援助。

    The CFTC thanks the Manhattan District Attorney 's Office , the Federal Bureau of Investigation and the US Attorney 's Office for the Southern District of New York for their assistance .

  2. 丰田表示,其于2月8日接到纽约南区大陪审团的传票,要求出具与某些汽车非故意加速和普锐斯(prius)混合动力车刹车失灵相关的文件。

    Toyota said that on February 8 it had received a subpoena from the grand jury in the Southern District of New York asking it to produce documents related to unintended acceleration of some cars and the braking system of its Prius hybrid .

  3. 波士顿南区(SouthEnd)的弓形前沿永远处在升级改造、吸引中产阶级入住的状态;

    South End 's bow fronts forever in states of gentrification ;

  4. 曼哈顿南区广阔的城市风光(b纽约人)

    The vast cityscape of lower Manhattan ( bNew Yorker )

  5. 我随后又逛到了三里屯Village南区。

    I moved on to Sanlitun Village South .

  6. 尕斯油田N2~1油藏南区储层非均质性研究

    Study on the heterogeneity of the south area of N_2 ~ 1 reservoir in Gasi Oilfield

  7. 数字白银南区GPS辅助空三加密实践

    GPS-Supported Aerotriangulation Practice in Digital Baiyin Southern

  8. 南区区议会及其应用的详细描述可在西医坎贝尔先生,J。

    The detail descriptions of SDC and its applications are available in W.

  9. 与南区梅雨期降水耦合正相关的南海和赤道东太平洋关键区海温异常分布实际上属于同一种海温分布型,但两个海温Key区所影响到的南区的范围是不相同的。

    In fact , the two SST distributions mentioned above belong to the same SST distribution pattern , but the regions influenced by the two SST distribution are different from each other .

  10. 他们在深水湾径(DeepWaterBayDrive)找到了一个理想之所,深水湾径是从深水湾道上蜿蜒分出的一条不起眼的支路,深水湾道是通向香港岛南区的主干道,每天上下班时间十分繁忙。

    Their search took them to Deep Water Bay Drive , an unassuming road that snakes off the main thoroughfare that carries busy commuter traffic down toward the south of the island .

  11. 应用GIS技术对濮城油田南区Es2~(上2+3)储层建模分析研究

    Application of Geographic Information System ( GIS ) for Modeling Analyzing Reservoir in 2 + 3 Upper Member of Es_2 in the South Region of Pucheng Oilfield

  12. 应用GIS数据管理和可视化处理技术,对濮城油田南区Es上2+32进行储层建模应用研究。

    Application of reservoir modeling is studied in 2 + 3 upper member of Es 2 in Pucheng Oilfield by using the techniques of GIS data management and visualization process .

  13. 用这种方法对孤岛油田南区N281井区重质石油磺酸盐(WPS)驱实施方案进行了矿场设计。

    On the basis of these theory and method , the weighted petroleum sulfonate displacement pilot of N 28 1 was designed .

  14. 对三里亭南区R10组团沉桩工程实测土体水平位移和超静孔隙水压力作了分析,得到一些具有工程意义的经验和规律。

    Some laws and conclusions are obtained by many measured data of horizontal displacement and excess pore water pressure from San-Li Ting pile driving project .

  15. 不过,纽约南区地方法院法官杰西弗曼(JesseFurman)周三表示,原告们未陈述任何符合“操纵行为”定义的行动,也未陈述这些行动如何能够影响暗池中交易的证券的价格。

    But judge Jesse Furman of the Southern District of New York said on Wednesday that the plaintiffs did not allege any actions that met the definition of " manipulative acts , " or how those actions could have affected the price at which securities traded in the dark pool .

  16. 通过野外调查和室内研究,查明韩城矿区11煤层底板(南区)和煤层中、下部(北区)有一层厚060~130m的高岭岩矿层。

    On the basis of a great deal of field investigation and indoor study , it is ascertained that a layer of kaolinite deposit in thickness of 0.60 ~ 1.30 meters occurred in floor of coal bed No. 11 in southern district and in mid-lower part of coal bed No.

  17. 在洛杉矶南区,人们死于可治愈的疾病。

    People are dying from curable diseases in South Central Los Angeles .

  18. 丹尼尔贝克在南区拉莫公园。

    Daniel Baker out of South central , leimert park .

  19. 明晚在南区的宴会后我们去斧头屋俱乐部

    Axe lounge tomorrow , after party at South Pointe ,

  20. 布达佩斯南区市场,匈牙利

    The Market in the Southern District , Budapest , Hungary

  21. 本命令适用于南区水质管制区。

    This order applies to the Southern Water Control Zone .

  22. 老托比种的南区最好的烟草。

    Old Toby . The finest weed in the Southfarthing .

  23. 使他极为高兴的是他当选为布里斯托尔南区的议员。

    To his enormous delight he was elected MP for Bristol south .

  24. 乐安油田南区蒸汽吞吐后期开采方式研究

    Late Production Mode of Steam Stimulation in South Region of Le'an Oilfield

  25. 我国各省南区森林火灾危害程度排序

    Order of Forest Fire Damage in Provinces in China

  26. 高校校园规划与大学生行为发展之研究&以贵州大学(南区)学生活动区景观设计为例

    On Programming of campus and behavior development of undergraduates

  27. 成都高新南区水污染物总量控制研究

    Total Amount Control of Water Pollution in Chengdu Hi - tech South Zone

  28. 成都南区空气中的致敏花粉调查

    Airborne allergenic pollens in the southern area of Chengdu

  29. 柴达木盆地西部南区沸石分布特征及成因

    Zeolite Distribution Characteristics and Contributing Factors in Southern Region of West Qaidam Basin

  30. 旧石器文化遗存主要发现在南区第4层。

    Palaeolithic remains are identified in the fourth layer of the Southern zone .