
  • 网络Heixiazi Island
  1. 地处中俄边界的黑瞎子岛位于乌苏里江和黑龙江交界处,是一个冲积岛。

    Heixiazi Island is a sedimentary island at the confluence of the Ussuri and Heilongjiang rivers , along the border between China and Russia .

  2. 官方的中国日报报导说,俄罗斯将把银龙岛以及黑瞎子岛的一半归还中国。

    The state-run China Daily newspaper reported that Russia will return Yinlong Island ( known as Tarabarov Island in Russian ) as well as half of Heixiazi Island ( Bolshoi Ussuriysky in Russian ) to China .

  3. 中俄边境黑瞎子岛,即将对游人开放。

    Sino-Russian border island to open to tourists .

  4. 1929年前苏联占领了黑瞎子岛和银龙岛,对此,中国一直没有承认。

    The former Soviet Union occupied Heixiazi and Yinlong Islands in1929 , and this had not been accepted by China .

  5. 现在,中国得到了黑瞎子岛人迹罕至的部分,根据中国媒体的传言,官方正在考察这个地方旅游资源的潜力。

    Now , the Chinese have got the all-but uninhabited parts , where , according to rumours in the Chinese media , officials are examining the potential for tourism .