
chōnɡ jī shàn
  • alluvial fan;alluvial delta
  1. 将研究区内的侏罗系沉积划分为冲积扇、河流、湖泊和三角洲沉积体系。

    The Jurassic in study region can be divided into alluvial fan , river , lake and delta sedimentary systems .

  2. 云南腾冲山寨盆地水下冲积扇特征及对砂锡的控矿作用

    Characteristics of submarine alluvial fan in Shan-Zhai basin , tengchong , yunnan , and its control function over Sn-bearing sand deposits

  3. MM凹陷MS水下冲积扇与油气评估

    MS underwater alluvial fan in MM sag and the hydrocarbon evaluation

  4. 广东河源冲积扇B(ms)层土壤的特性参数及其与时间的关系

    Relationship between characteristic parameters and time of soil layer BMS of alluvial fan in Heyuan area , Guangdong

  5. W191水下冲积扇的地质解释

    Geologic interpretation of the W-19-1 underwater alluvial fan

  6. 该模式表明,对于水流能量保持能力差的冲积扇,其古流向应该沿短轴陡坡降方向,即大致为SEE方向;

    The model shows that current of alluvial fan progressed in the direction of SEE along the short axle with steep slope , and its current energy can keep only in short distance .

  7. 相带C2沿着南部的盆地边缘断裂带分布,为冲积扇。

    The C2 seismic facies area is scatted along the basin-bounding fault in the south depression and is interpreted as an alluvial fan .

  8. 经速度分析和某些地震资料的特殊处理,结合区域地质构造和沉积特点进行综合分析研究,确认它为W191水下冲积扇。

    Via the velocity analysis , special processing of seismic data and the integrated studying of the regional geologic structure and sedimentary features , it is confirmed to be W-19-1 underwater alluvial fan .

  9. 与HST有关的扇三角洲-冲积扇岩性圈闭、河控三角洲岩性圈闭、丘礁白云岩岩性圈闭、钙屑重力流沉积岩性圈闭;

    Lithologic trap of fan delta-turbidite fan , lithologic trap of delta , lithologic trap of bioherm-reef dolostone and calcareous clastic gravity flow sediments ;

  10. 断面滑动矢量分析和山前年轻冲积扇体和小冲沟沿断裂错移特征分析,表明太行山南缘断裂带是一条斜张左旋走滑边界断裂带,引张方向为NWSE至NNWSSE。

    Analyses of fault plane slip vectors and displacement features of younger piedmont alluvial fans and small gullies along the fault suggest that the fault zone is an oblique-extensional , sinistral strike-slip boundary fault znoe , with the extension oriented in a NW-SE to NNW-SSE direction .

  11. 冲积扇砾岩油藏裂缝预测新技术

    A new technique to predict fractures of alluvial fan conglomerate reservoir

  12. 冲积扇和冲积平原沉积体系。

    And ( 5 ) alluvial fen and alluvial plain .

  13. 综合地质等各种资料,确定该区主要发育冲积扇、泛滥平原和扇三角洲等沉积体系。

    The major depositional system are Fan , Floodplain , Fan delta .

  14. 山前冲积扇河流变态动床模型与比降变态

    Distortion Movable-bed Model of River on Piedmont Alluvial Fan and Slope Distortion

  15. 侯马盆地冲积扇及其流域地貌发育规律

    Developments of Alluvial Fans and Their Catchments in Houma Basin

  16. 近岸水下冲积扇相特征及实例

    Characteristic of Beachy underwater alluvial fan facies & with a practical example

  17. 永95井冲积扇特征及其石油地质意义

    Characteristics and geological significance of the alluvial fan in Well Yong 95

  18. 滦河冲积扇结构和沉积环境

    Structures and sedimentary environments of the alluvial fan of the Luan River

  19. 黄骅坳陷孔南地区孔店组冲积扇沉积特征及地质意义

    Alluvial fan deposits in the Kongdian Formation , Huanghua depression

  20. 冲积扇比较沉积学&地下水和油气的富集规律

    COMPARATIVE SEDIMENTOLOGY OF ALLUVIAL FANS-The Rule of Enrichment of Oil-Gas and Groundwater

  21. 用地层倾角资料解释水下冲积扇的方法及其应用

    A Method for Interpreting Subaqueous Alluvial Fan with Diplog Data and Its Application

  22. 山前冲积扇表层静校正对策

    Strategy of near-surface static corrections in piedmont fluvial fans

  23. 民和盆地上侏罗统湿型冲积扇沉积

    A humid alluvial fan from Upper Jurassic in Minhe basin , northwest China

  24. 论滦河冲积扇&三角洲沉积体系

    On the Luanhe River alluvial fan - delta complex

  25. 赣西北三都小型红盆冲积扇体特征及时空分布

    Features and space-time distribution of alluvial fans in Sandu red basin , Northwestern Jiangxi

  26. 河北省怀来县晚三叠世冲积扇及其构造环境

    The Late Triassic Alluvial Fan of Huailai County , Hebei and its Structural Environment

  27. 鄂尔多斯盆地西缘砾质冲积扇沉积学特征

    Sedimentology of Gravelly Alluvial Fans on the Western Margin of Late Triassic , Ordos Basin

  28. 泉头组主要发育河流、泛滥平原、冲积扇以及滨浅湖相。

    Quantou formation mainly developed rivers bet lands 、 alluvial fan and shore meare facies .

  29. 底部第一亚段沉积期以冲积扇、辫状河环境为主;

    The first submember was mainly marked by the alluvial fan and braided stream environments ;

  30. 冲积扇体系定量储层地质模型

    Quantitative reservoir models of alluvial fan system