
  • 网络impulsive buying;Impulse Buy;Impulse Buying;Impulse Purchasing
  1. 以TV家庭购物和冲动购买为研究基础,分析冲动购物的激励因素,通过检验设定的问题来确定其影响力。

    On the basic of TV home shopping and impulsive buying , stimulating factors of impulsive buying was analyzed , and its influence was settled through verification setting .

  2. 但从理论上来讲,冲动购买和品牌忠诚似乎是两个很难统一的目标。

    But theoretically speaking , it is very difficult to let impulsive buying join with brand loyalty .

  3. 我们把消费者在这种感性因素驱使下的购买行为称作冲动购买(ImpulseBuying)。

    We call this buying behavior of the consumers driven by the emotion " impulse buying " .

  4. 这部分包括POP广告与冲动购买关系分析,超市内POP广告宣传内容分析等。

    In this part , the author tries to analyze the relationship between POP advertisement and instinctive purchase and the content of POP advertisement in building material supermarket .

  5. 这可能有助于增加冲动购买和市场机会。

    This may help you increase impulse buying and marketing opportunities .

  6. 中韩大学生服装冲动购买行为比较研究

    Comparison of Clothing Impulse Buying Behavior between Chinese and Korean College Students

  7. 乔伊和七月常常凭冲动购买衣服。

    Joy and july often buy clothes on impulse .

  8. 论顾客在超级市场的冲动购买行为

    On the Impulsive Purchase of Customers in Supermarket

  9. 巧克力经常被放置在超市的收银口处来鼓励冲动购买。

    Chocolates are often on sale next to supermarket checkouts to encourage impulse buying .

  10. 未经仔细考虑而凭冲动购买。

    Buy on impulse without proper reflection .

  11. 她常常凭冲动购买衣服。

    She often buys clothes on impulse .

  12. 相反许多家庭为基础的商业销售,可能告诉你,很少有冲动购买决定。

    Contrary to what many home-based business sellers might tell you , very few buying decisions are impulsive .

  13. 到了20世纪70年代,研究人员开始探讨冲动购买按照产品种类进行划分是否合理。

    In 1970s , researcher starts to discuss the rationality on classifying item into impulse items and non-impulse ones .

  14. 调查还发现,附近没有售货员的时候,这种冲动购买的发生频率更高。

    Research has also shown that this kind of impulse buy happens more frequently when no sales assistants are nearby .

  15. 因此,越来越多的商家把目光投向前来购物的旅游者,希望通过有效的营销刺激来激发旅游者的冲动购买。

    Consequently , retailers attach more importance to tourist shopping and are prepared to encourage impulse buying through effective marketing stimulus .

  16. 服装企业必须了解消费者服装冲动购买行为的特点,培养高忠诚度的消费者,更好地迎合消费者的需求。

    Clothing appliers have to know the characters of clothing impulse buying , cultivate high loyalty consumer group , and meet consumers need butter .

  17. 几乎每个女性消费者都自觉不自觉的体验过冲动购买,女性的这种行为在本文中认为是情感作用下的决策。

    Nearly all of female have the experience of purchase on impulse , which is called decision effected by the emotion in the article .

  18. 消费者冲动购买早在60多年前就开始引起研究人员的注意,而对于冲动购买影响因素的研究是研究者们的焦点。

    Consumer impulsive purchasing was paid attention by researchers 60 years ago . And the influences on impulsive purchasing are the focus of research .

  19. 科学家们分析人类对各种食物类型的认知,发现被认定为不健康的食物更容易冲动购买。

    Scientists analyzed peoples perceptions of various food types and found that foods considered unhealthy were also seen as more likely to be impulse buys .

  20. 从网络广告特性、情感反应、冲动购买意愿这几个方面进行探讨,并将这三个方面构建成一个网络广告特性对冲动购买意愿影响的模型。

    Discuss on internet ad characteristics , emotional response , impulse buying , and establishes a model of impulsive buying comprised of the three aspects .

  21. 对于冲动购买发生的内在机制大多是评述和总结国外的研究进展和最新理论,缺乏实证方面的研究。

    For the internal mechanism of impulse purchases , the domestic researchers mostly review and summary the latest theories abroad and lack of empirical research .

  22. 随着经济的不断发展,冲动购买行为成为现代生活中非常普遍现象,也是营销策略中的焦点。

    With the economic development , impulse buying behavior is considered a pervasive phenomenon in modern lifestyles and it has received increasing attention from marketing strategy researchers .

  23. 原因是简单的:如果你携带仅仅你需要购买东西的现金出去,你将避免冲动购买。

    The reasons are simple : If you carry only the cash you need to buy what you went out for , you 'll avoid impulse buys .

  24. 零售商论坛:零售商如何激发你的冲动购买,改善客户服务,带给您更好的理念,零售商的商业管理。

    Retailer Forum : How do retailers like you encourage impulse buys ? Improve customer service ? GIFT SHOP brings you ideas for better business management from fellow retailers .

  25. 调节匹配理论证明了个体面对不同的信息陈述方式和不同的特质性调节导向会产生调节匹配或不匹配,而调节匹配效应会影响个体对产品的情感反应,进而会影响冲动购买行为。

    Regulatory fit theory proves that individuals are likely to raise the effect of regulatory fitting or not when facing different information framing and different trait regulatory focused orientations .

  26. 北京市海淀区消费者协会进行的一项学生网购行为调查显示,近54%的受访者曾有过冲动购买行为。

    Beijing Haidian Consumers ' Association conducted a survey on the online purchasing behavior of students , which showed that nearly 54 percent of respondents had made irrational purchases .

  27. 冲动购买是消费者行为领域的重要研究内容,而自我调节资源对冲动购买的影响机制研究是近期国外的研究热点之一。

    Impulse buying is an important area of consumer behavior research content , the self-regulatory resource on the Influence mechanism of impulse buying is one of the hot recent study abroad .

  28. 早期关于冲动购买的研究将冲动购买和非计划购买视为同义词,并且操作上被定义为消费者在进入商店时没有报告购买意愿而购买了的产品。

    In the early time , researchers took impulse buying and non-planed purchase regards as synonym , and operated it by measuring the difference between reported purchase after exit and shopping plan before entering store .

  29. 顾客价值对冲动购买的作用机制包括两个方面:其一,顾客价值决定了冲动性购买的购买决策;其二,顾客价值决定了冲动性购买的购后评价。

    The roles of customer value in the impulse purchase mechanisms include two aspects : First , the customer value determines the impulsive purchase decision ; Secondly , the customer value determines post-purchase evaluation after impulsive buying .

  30. 随着市场经济发展、社会产品日益丰富,消费者在进行购物决策时,冲动购买发生的比重越来越大,已成为不可忽视的一种消费形式。

    With the development of the market economy and the increasingly abundance of the social goods , impulse buying has a larger and larger proportion among the shopping decisions , and has already become a nonnegligible consumption pattern .