
  • 网络cross-buying;Cross-sell;Cross-Selling;cross shopping;cross-shopping
  1. 通过网上银行服务质量的不断提高,促进消费者交叉购买,是网上银行发展的目的。

    Through improving the Internet banking service quality promote cross-buying , it is the Internet banking purpose .

  2. 提出互联网渠道顾客感知价值是网上银行交叉购买意向的前因,并考察了转换成本对顾客感知价值和交叉购买意向变量关系的调节作用。

    We propose customer perceived value in internet channel is the direct antecedent of cross-buying intention . We also examine the moderator effect of switching costs in perceived value and cross-buying intention link .

  3. 其中在企业实施CRM后的收益分析考虑了CRM的实施成本,重复和交叉购买及口碑推荐。

    The cost for CRM , repeated buying , cross-buying and word-of-mouth forthe enterprise implementing CRM are analyzed .

  4. 投入增加包括重复购买、交叉购买和增加消费;

    Increased investment includes : repeatedly and cross purchase and more share of wallet .

  5. 基于价值的网上银行交叉购买意向前因研究

    Research of the Antecedents of Cross-buying Intention in Internet Banking Context Based on Value

  6. 单次或短期折价优惠能让消费者撤除防备试买产品,也有可能鼓励原来的顾客交叉购买新产品。

    The one-time or short-term discount can cause consumers to formally purchase products without trials and encourage regular customers to cross-buying new products .

  7. 通过层次分析的方法获得了各指标的权重,并发现转换成本和重复购买意向占的权重相对较大,获得新顾客能力的权重处在中间,交叉购买意向的权重最小。

    According to the method of Analytic Hierarchy Process ( AHP ), we got the weighing of every indicator , and found that switch-cost and repeating buying play a important part .

  8. 考虑到上述所提到的交叉购买研究空白,本文在对交叉购买的研究中,以不同信任维度为中介变量,并研究不同类型服务互动对交叉购买产生的影响。

    Taking into account the above mentioned cross-buying research gaps , in this study on cross-buying , the trust dimensions as an intermediary variable , and to study the different types of service interaction impact on cross-buying .

  9. 同时,信任对交叉购买的前置因素更多的是从顾客层面或企业层面考虑进行研究的,却忽视了从顾客层面出发的服务互动基于信任对交叉购买产生的重要影响。

    Meanwhile , cross-buying pre-factor based on trust are considered for the study from the enterprise level , but they ignore the customer-level factors , in fact , more attention should be paid on the service interactions based on trust to impact cross-buying importantly .