
jiāo huàn shuō
  • exchange theory
  1. 利益交换说是纳税人纳税的理论依据,即社会成员因享受政府的公共服务而获得收益,所以纳税人通过缴纳税收,给予政府一定的费用补偿。

    Because taxpayers get benefits from government public service , they should pay tax as compensation to government .

  2. 受益原则的理论基础是交换说,它认为税收是一种市场交易关系,遵循市场分配原则和规则公平,因此它在收入分配上是中性的。

    The theory of benefit principle is based on the theory of exchange . It believes that taxation is a relationship of market transaction , taxation follows the principles of market sharing .

  3. 这就是我的德国交换家庭所说的赤裸人类形态的美妙之处吗?

    Could this be the wonder my German family had talked about , the beauty of the unclad human form ?