
  • 网络Interaction Designer;Interactive Designer
  1. 法拉希可不是普通设计师——她不仅是位建筑师,还是名交互设计师,目前正在南加州大学攻读博士学位(UniversityofSouthernCalifornia)。

    Farahi isn 't an ordinary designer - she 's an architect and interaction designer working toward her Ph.D. at University of Southern California .

  2. 前两类中的步骤自然地进入交互设计师(InteractionDesigner)角色,这个包含了RUP中定义的需求分析人员角色和部分的设计人员角色。

    The steps in the first two categories fall naturally in the Interaction Designer role , which includes the RUP role of Requirements Analyst and partially that of the Designer .

  3. 在Web站点开发过程中,交互设计师、信息设计师和视觉设计师需要密切合作,Web设计过程与通用软件开发过程是类似的。

    In the Web design , the interactive designer , the information designer and the visual designer need to cooperate whith each other closely . the Web design process and the common software development is similar .

  4. 作为一个交互设计师,我们经常接触到这样一些词汇缩写:HCD,UCD,ACD,ECD,GDD。

    As a interaction designer , these abbreviations are frequently seen and heard : HCD , UCD , ACD , ECD , GDD .

  5. 划分了交互设计师和建模人员的职责。

    The responsibility of interaction engineer and the modeling engineer is discussed .

  6. 这是交互设计师要掌握的技巧。

    This is the skill of the interaction designer .

  7. 建立模式的心理类目表是培养交互设计师最重要的一个方面。

    Building up a mental catalog of patterns is one of the most critical aspects of the education of an interaction designer .

  8. 在执行这项任务时,考虑组建一个客户团队,成员包括产品经理、测试人员、实际用户和交互设计师。

    For this task , consider creating a customer team with a product manager , testers , real users , and interaction designers .

  9. 基于模式语言的原型系统设计方法是围绕交互设计师、视觉设计师和用户界面工程师三个角色展开的。

    An approach of prototype system design based on pattern language is built around interaction designers , visual designers and user interface engineers .

  10. 糟糕的作者是能够看到的作者,一个糟糕的交互设计师在他的产品中展示其笨拙的存在。

    The poor writer is a visible writer , and a poor interaction designer looms with a clumsily visible presence in his software .

  11. 产品可能直接作用于用户,也可能间地接触及一些人的生活。这或许是交互设计师特有的问题。

    These may be direct effects on users of a product , or second-order effects on other people whose lives the product touches in some way .

  12. 一些用户交互功能的设计师常常需要在不同的过程中反复描述一系列相同的步骤(比如用户登录过程)。

    Some interaction designs require a sequence of steps ( like a login procedure , for instance ) to appear repeatedly in different contexts throughout the design .

  13. 举例来说,对于数据库交互逻辑的设计师来说,不知道他们的逻辑是如何通过用户接口代码表示出来,是很普通的现象。

    It is common for architects of database interaction logic , for example , to have no knowledge of how their logic is specifically expressed via user interface code .

  14. 冗余的功能和过于严格的交互手段干扰了设计师的思路,打断了设计师的设计过程。

    The abundance of existing functions and the strictness of the interaction tend to interfere with the users ' mind and disturb their creative processes .