
  1. 马克思交往异化理论的主要内容和历史地位

    The Main Contents and Historical Status of Marxist Theory of Association Alienation

  2. 本文延续了马克思现实批判的理路,并将人的异化问题放置到了大众传播的现代语境中,从中阐发了大众传播中人的交往异化问题。

    Inheriting the theory of criticism from Marx , this article analyses the alienation of intercourse in the public transmission .

  3. 本课题尝试以一种新的视角审视大学生这一特殊群体的网络交往异化现状。

    This subject tries to survey this special group of college students ' network communication of alienation status in a new perspective .

  4. 目前国内理论界关于网络异化的研究还很少,网络交往异化的研究更是少之又少。

    Now scientific theory has only a few researches on network of alienation in domestic , researches on network communication of alienation are much rarer .

  5. 而实际上它决不仅仅指《第一手稿》中的异化劳动,还指《穆勒评注》中的交往异化。

    Actually , it not only refers to the alienated labor in The First Manuscript , but also refers to the alienation of commerce in Glossen zu James Mill .

  6. 未成年人虚拟行为异化的三个基本类型:未成年人虚拟认识异化、虚拟实践异化和虚拟交往异化,其基本特点是非理性、依赖性、沉浸性和成瘾性。

    There are 3 basic forms of the minors ' virtual behavior alienation : the alienation of virtual cognition , virtual practice and virtual communication . Their basic characters are irrationality , dependency , immersing and addiction .

  7. 尽管马克思后来很少使用异化劳动这个概念,但他后来却使用了诸如交往异化、商品拜物教、物化之类更具现实意义的概念。

    Although Marx was rarely used " alienation of labor " concept , but he later came the use of words such as " contacts alienation ", " commodity fetishism ", " materialization " of the class more realistic concept .

  8. 针对大学生网络交往异化的原因,本文提出了增强大学生的主体性、加强大学生网络交往道德教育、规范大学生网络交往环境等对策措施。

    For reasons of college students ' network communication alienation , the paper put forward to enhance the students ' subjectivity , to strengthen the moral education of college students ' network communication , to regulate college students ' network communication environment and so on .

  9. 本文认为,大学生的网络交往异化的原因主要有:网络自身技术特征的前提性因素,也有大学生自我控制能力较弱的主体因素,更有教育和监管缺失的环境因素。

    This paper argues that , the students ' network alienation mainly has the premise factors such as its own technical characteristics ; also has subjective reason that the self-control ability of the college students is weak ; besides , lack of education and supervision are the environmental factors .

  10. 交往的异化迫使人们去思考、研究交往合理性问题。

    Communicative dissimilation urges people to think and research communicative rationality .

  11. 现代人依然处于马克思所定义的交往关系异化状态中。

    Modern people are still in the alienation statement of communication relationship defined by Max.

  12. 理性的分裂和工具理性的膨胀导致交往的异化,进而导致人的自由全面发展受到遏制。

    The divided Reason and expanding of Instrumental Rationality lead to communication alienation , the phenomenon raises a trend to obstacle Man 's development .

  13. 本文正是以此为基点,进一步探讨了人情交往的异化现象及其成因,并试图为当代中国社会寻求一条消解人情交往异化的根本途径。

    This article that is based on it studies the alienable phenomena of human association and the reasons more deeply , and tries to pursue an ultimate gateway to eliminate the alienation of human association in Chinese contemporary society .

  14. 他认为系统对生活世界的入侵造成了生活世界的殖民化。要扬弃这种交往的异化就要通过商谈,以交往理性来对抗工具理性。

    He believes that System invasion of the living world Caused the Life world colonization , so want to Discard the alienation of communication , we must using discussions , Through " communicative rationality " against " instrumental rationality " .

  15. 网络交往功能与异化消解

    The Function of Network Communication and Counter - dissimilation

  16. 事实与价值的断裂在现代性中显现为:交往关系的异化和生活意义的缺失。

    The appearance of the fracture of the fact and the value in modernization is the alienation of communication and the forfeiture of life meaning .

  17. 利益矛盾的普遍存在、主体间交往关系的异化扭曲、历史文化传统与社会制度差异共同导致和加剧了价值观冲突。

    The factors which cause and intensify the values conflict consist of ubiquitous interest contradiction , distorted communication relationship among subjects and the difference of historical and cultural tradition and social system .

  18. 经济发展的不平衡、国际间交往关系的普遍异化及普世主义情结共同导致和加剧了价值冲突。

    Economic imbalance , universal alienation of international intercourse and feeling of universalism result in and intensify conflicting .

  19. 电子计算机与反主流文化的互动、科技与文化的互动、网际交往的文化困境、网际交往异化现象,这些都值得我们去研究和探讨。

    The interaction between computer and counterculture , the interaction between technology and culture , the cultural dilemma of internet contact and dissimilation of internet contact should be studied and discussed .