
  • 网络Transaction Cost Economics;tce
  1. 其中以传统项目管理模式为重点,因为它与交易成本经济学的结论最为接近,而对伙伴关系模式的分析重点放在了信任调适。

    Traditional model is attached most importance , since it is closest to the conclusion of TCE , while trust adaptation is the point in partnering model .

  2. 借鉴交易成本经济学(TCE)理论,总结和概括不同的农产品营销渠道治理模式及其选择。

    In light of Transaction Cost Economics ( TCE ) theory , it summarized and overviewed different marketing channels governance patterns and its selection .

  3. 首先,在文献梳理基础上综合利益相关者理论和产权理论(交易成本经济学),构建起权利非对称机会主义行为CoPS创新风险这一风险生成机理模型。

    First , integrating stakeholder theories and property right theories ( transaction cost economics ) based on literature organization , and building a risk formation mechanism model as " Interest-Power Asymmetry opportunistic behavior CoPS innovation risk " .

  4. 超越交易成本经济学的治理结构&供应链合作伙伴关系

    Partnership in Supply Chain & Governance Structure Beyond Transaction Cost Economics

  5. 交易成本经济学、组织失灵与管理会计研究

    Transaction Cost Economics , Organizational Failures and Management Accounting Research

  6. 合同农业产生的交易成本经济学机理

    The Mechanism of Contract Farming from the Perspective of Transaction Cost Economics

  7. 从部门银行到流程银行:交易成本经济学分析

    Converting from Department Bank to Flow Bank : analysis on Trading Cost Economics

  8. 从交易成本经济学看第三方物流的信用风险问题

    Credit Risks of Third Party Logistics From the Viewpoint of Transaction Cost Economics

  9. 基于交易成本经济学的企业业务外包分析

    The Analysis of the Business Process Outsourcing based on the Transaction Cost Economics

  10. 市场营销起源的交易成本经济学解释

    Transaction Cost Economics Explanation on the Marketing Origin

  11. 本杰明·克莱因教授是交易成本经济学的代表人物之一。

    Benjamin Klein Professor is one of the representatives of the transaction cost economics .

  12. 交易成本经济学中的信任问题

    The Trust in Transaction Cost Economics

  13. 产业组织经济学、交易成本经济学是现在企业理论的一个主要分支,在理解企业行为的多个方面,它们都获得了成功的应用。

    Industrial organization economics , transaction cost economics are the main branch of the firm theory .

  14. 区域经济一体化组织形态比较研究&一个交易成本经济学的视角

    A Comparative Study on Forms of Regional Integration Organizations : an Approach of Transaction Cost Economics

  15. 第二章则综合了交易成本经济学的相关理论成果,同时对委托-代理理论关于激励及风险分担的研究进行了总结。

    And in Chapter 2 , much attention is paid to the related theories in Transaction Cost Economics .

  16. 基于新兴古典经济学、交易成本经济学的产业集群演进机理探析

    An Exploration on the Evolving Mechanisms for Industrial Clusters Based on New Classical Economics and Transaction Cost Economics

  17. 交易成本经济学关于不确定性的研究更多地关注行为不确定性,而忽略了技术不确定性。

    The research on uncertainty in transaction cost economics focuses more on behavioral uncertainty but neglects technological un-certainty .

  18. 文中首先基于企业之间的信任与合作可以和机会主义行为并存的假设,利用交易成本经济学的分析方法说明合作收益产生的原因。

    The assumption that the trust and cooperation between partners can be accompanied with the opportunism is given first .

  19. 治理结构理论是交易成本经济学中融合经济学和法学论述企业组织治理机制的理论。

    Management construct theory comes from economics and law in dealing cost economics that explains management mechanism in enterprises .

  20. 风险投资企业战略联盟是本文研究的核心内容,其理论基础是交易成本经济学和组织管理理论以及竞争战略理论。

    The theoretic fundament of strategy alliance is the transaction cost economics and the organization management theory and competition strategy theory .

  21. 第二部分运用交易成本经济学基本理论、方法对企业技术创新模式选择进行了理论上阐述与展开。

    Part 2 of the thesis analyses the selection of technical innovation ' modes which based on the transaction cost economics .

  22. 将交易成本经济学与市场价值链理论结合起来探析产业集群的竞争优势。

    Associate the transaction and cost economics with market value chains theory to find and analyze the competitive advantage of industrial clusters .

  23. 它由管理会计系统和实践构成,在交易成本经济学世界里它们是组织的规则和惯例。

    It is composed by the management accounting system and practice , which are rules and practices in transaction cost economics world .

  24. 交易成本经济学把企业网络视为一个交易平台,提出了基于专用性投资的解决方案。

    Transactional Cost Economics ( TCE ) regarded IFN as a transaction mechanism and proposed the solution based on " specific investment " .

  25. 交易成本经济学认为交易特征影响交易成本的大小。影响交易成本的交易特征包括不确定性、交易频率和资产的专用性。

    Based on transaction cost economics , transaction character which includes uncertainty , transaction frequency and assets speciality has influence on transaction cost .

  26. 企业边界理论存在的不足主要有:交易成本经济学缺乏环境变化的动态分析;

    There exist such inferior strengths in principal theories of firm frontier as follows ; transaction costs economics ignores dynamic analysis of environmental change ;

  27. 本文基于新制度经济学的分支&交易成本经济学的思想对农村的金融借贷关系进行了分析。

    Using the thought of transaction cost economics which belongs to new institutional economics , the paper analyzes institutions on loan of farm finance .

  28. 本文试图以交易成本经济学及其组织失灵理论为基础,研究管理会计问题。

    Based on transaction cost economics and organization failures framework , the purpose of this paper is to research the nature of management accounting .

  29. 交易成本经济学为考察网络组织问题提供了一个新的视角,但它并没有给网络组织问题分析提供一个合理的答案。

    Transaction cost economics provides a new perspective for studies on network organization , but it does not give a reasonable solution to the issues .

  30. 本文分析了航空公司战略联盟的网络经济性,基于交易成本经济学分析了航空公司联盟相对于市场而言对交易成本的节约。

    The paper analyses the economies of network about airline alliance , and analyses transaction cost saving of airline alliance from the transaction cost economics .