
  • 网络Trade credit;transactional lending;transaction loan
  1. 它是杠杆交易贷款和债券产品的最大持有者,且大多数是在信贷泡沫时期达成的协议。

    It is a big holder of " hung " leveraged loans and bonds , mostly related to buy-outs agreed on in the credit bubble .

  2. 国务院还表示,将鼓励银行向私人资本运营公司和并购交易贷款,并为小企业和私人购车者发放贷款。

    The State Council also said it will encourage banks to lend to private-equity firms and for mergers , as well as to small businesses and individual car buyers .

  3. 如果没有这笔交易,贷款银行也许早就停止了对oz的支持。

    And without the bid , lenders might have pulled the plug on oz long ago .

  4. 作为中国最大的铜进口商,它有充足的政治优势。如果没有这笔交易,贷款银行也许早就停止了对Oz的支持。

    As China 's largest importer of copper , it has political leverage aplenty . And without the bid , lenders might have pulled the plug on Oz long ago .

  5. 2.可能当时没有银行愿意为这笔交易提供贷款。

    Maybe no bank must have been willing to lend money for this deal .

  6. 中国近期首次公布了为商业银行并购交易提供贷款的指导方针。

    China recently issued guidelines allowing commercial banks to provide loans for M & A for the first time .

  7. 存在争议的领域之一,是银行应如何评估那些可能重开谈判的交易中贷款承诺的潜在损失。

    One area of debate is how banks should assess potential losses on commitments for deals that might be renegotiated .

  8. 这些贷款量在新兴的也在公共交易所外进行交易的贷款衍生品市场更大。

    These are especially big in the booming market for credit derivatives , which are also traded outside public exchanges .

  9. 购房新帮手:个人再交易住房贷款购买本公司房产,房款可按年分期支付。

    A New Coagent in House-purchasing : Housing Loans for Personal Re-transactions Payment for our real estate may Be made in annual installments .

  10. 与此同时,银行担心将有利可图的交易或贷款拱手让给所谓的影子银行业竞争对手,后者所受的监管限制较少。

    Meanwhile , banks worry about ceding profitable trades or loans to rivals in the so-called shadow banking sector that have fewer regulatory constraints .

  11. 上述声明发表之际,监管机构和市场参与者对于这种行业变化即越来越多的对冲基金进入私下交易的贷款市场所产生的影响日益担忧。

    The statement comes as regulators and market participants voice growing concern about the effects of increased hedge fund participation in the privately traded loan markets .

  12. 贝尔斯通2008年3月破产的时候,公司90%的收入来源于交易和贷款融资。

    Something like 90 percent of Bear Stearns 's profits in the years leading up to its March 2008 demise came from its trading and debt-origination activities .

  13. 大银行技术水平和资本/劳动比例较高,规模经济效应使它们选择可依赖资本投入对借款人进行数量评估的交易型贷款。

    Large banks have more advanced technology and a higher capital / labor ratio , the economies of scale in lending also contributes to their greater reliance on capital input and transactional lending .

  14. 如此地忽略这一规则,以至于银行不得不将账簿上的债券和其它可交易的贷款标记上市场价格(这在去年导致了适当的减少了账面值的巨大的损失)。

    So forget the rule that banks have to mark the bonds and other tradable loans on their books to market prices , which for the past year has been causing huge losses due the writedowns .

  15. 区别于以可量化信息为依据的交易型贷款,关系型贷款是银行通过与企业建立起来的互利互惠合作关系不断获得软信息,并以此为依据向关系企业发放贷款。

    Relationship credit financing is a kind of credit based on relationship between the bank and the enterprise . With the cooperative relation , the bank could get inside information and issue a loan on this basis .

  16. 他利用IGC向自己的交易公司发放贷款,并投资于其他公司。

    He used IGC to make loans to his trading firm and invest in other companies .

  17. 该交易对这些贷款的估值为面值的44%,根据交易安排,FDIC将贡献1.36亿美元,持有贷款总额60%的权益,而柯罗尼则投资9000万美元,拥有其余的40%。

    The deal valued the loans at 44 cents on the dollar and was structured so the FDIC contributes $ 136m and holds 60 per cent of the equity , while Colony , a Los Angeles investment firm , puts in $ 90m for the remaining 40 per cent .

  18. 一些银行最近已经开始按照极低的价格交易次级抵押贷款相关证券,它们可能不会欢迎这样的举措,主要原因是一些私人参与者已在采取有关努力,对大型结构性投资工具(SIVs)进行重组。

    The move is likely to be disliked by some banks which have already started trading in distressed subprime securities in recent weeks at knockdown prices ? not least because there are already efforts under way among some private sector players to conduct restructurings of large structured investment vehicles ( SIVs ) .

  19. 金融控股公司内部交易产生不良贷款的分析与监管

    Analysis and supervision of non-performing loans from inside transaction of financial holding company

  20. 多数交易是把贷款出售给原来的借贷方。

    Most of the transactions involved a sale of the loan to the original borrower .

  21. 并购贷款是指商业银行向并购方或其子公司发放的,用于支付并购交易价款的贷款。

    M a loans refer to the commercial bank to m a party or its subsidiary issuing which are used to pay acquisitions price loans .

  22. 第四章对现代企业无形资产的实施、交易、担保贷款以及投资等有关法律问题进行了分析。

    Chapter 4 analyzes the legal problems on the implement , the trade , the guarantied loan and the investment of intangible assets of modern enterprise .

  23. 鉴于时间限制和信息缺乏,为这些交易获得银行贷款几乎是不可能的,因此,它们必须用100%的股权融资。

    It is almost impossible to arrange bank debt for such deals given time constraints and lack of information , so they must be funded with 100 per cent equity .

  24. 这种信心带来了更多的按揭承销交易,因为贷款机构认为,如果捉襟见肘的借贷人陷入困境,总可以获得再融资或者卖房子获利。

    The belief spurred more mortgage underwriting because lenders assumed that borrowers living on the edge could always refinance or sell their homes for a profit if they ran into trouble .

  25. 证券化本应该把长期银行关系,即信贷关系,转化成放手式交易,即由贷款担保证券的买卖关系。

    Securitisation is supposed to turn a long-term banking relationship , ie , a loan , into an arm 's-length transaction , the sale and purchase of a security backed by loans .

  26. 但这些复杂金融交易与抵押贷款的不同之处在于,银行往往会不断对抵押品重新估值,并调整协议内容,以弥补差额。

    But what makes these complex financial trades different from , say , a mortgage loan is that banks tend constantly to revalue the collateral , and adjust the deals to compensate .

  27. 然后讨论第三方数据导入与验证、基于状态的贷款处理和自定义报表等核心子系统的设计,其中重点讨论交易数据在贷款业务处理流程中封装、分发、传输和响应的机制。

    Then discuss core subsystem design of the third-party data import and validation , state-based loan processing and custom reports , which focuses on the transaction data in packaging , distribution , transmission and response mechanisms .

  28. 该银行表示,2009年难以扭亏为盈,因为收购德累斯顿银行(DresdnerBankAG)的交易计入了高额贷款损失。

    It said it wouldn 't turn a profit in2009 , booking high loan losses as it integrates Dresdner Bank AG .

  29. 特别受人青睐的交易包括用日元贷款投资澳元或新西兰元,以瑞士法郎贷款投资冰岛资产。

    Favourite trades included borrowing in Japanese yen to invest in Australia or New Zealand , and borrowing in Swiss francs to invest in Icelandic assets .

  30. 这些调控措施包括:提高交易税、抵押贷款条件更加严格、强制性的土地拍卖和限制建造豪华公寓和别墅等。

    These have included higher transaction taxes , more stringent limits on mortgage lending , mandatory land auctions and restrictions on the construction of luxury flats and villas .