
  • 网络Broker's loan;Broker’s loan;broker‘s loan;broker"s loan
  1. 股票交易中为获得经纪人贷款而存入作抵押的资金或证券。

    Margin : In stock trading , funds or securities deposited as collateral for a broker loan .

  2. 当你的经纪人或贷款机构来说,你要问你为点被引用作为币值,不是个百分点。

    When speaking to your broker or lending institution , you should ask for points to be quoted to you as a dollar amount , and not as percentage points .

  3. 这使得一些高杠杆的基金严重依赖于自己的一级经纪人来获取贷款。

    That leaves the highly leveraged funds heavily reliant on their prime brokers for borrowing .

  4. 他们已经查处了一批贪婪的草率的抵押贷款经纪人、学生贷款发放人和信用卡公司,他们已经获胜了—把超过2千6百万受骗美国人的110亿美元放回他们的口袋里了。

    Already , they 've gone after predatory or unscrupulous mortgage brokers , student lenders , credit card companies , and they 've won - putting nearly 11 billion back in the pockets of more than 26 million consumers who 've been cheated .

  5. 有一些人很喜欢她的态度,包括一名与她共事的贷款经纪人,这名贷款经纪人也开始同样这么想。

    Some liked her attitude including a loan broker that she worked with who began to think the same .

  6. 去年,该行退出了由外部按揭经纪人出售的融资贷款业务。

    Last year , the bank got out of the business of the business of funding loans sold by outside mortgage brokers .

  7. 美联储通过法规T来限制经纪人对客户的贷款数额。

    The Federal reserve regulates the amount of money that a broker may lend to a customer through Regulation T ( Reg T ) .