
  1. 路透社的成功经验成为新闻从业人员应具基本素质的一个颇具指导意义的案例。

    Experience of Reuters has provided a case of guiding significance .

  2. 每一份报道都凝结着记者多年的经验和新闻机构的可信度。

    Each built on the experience of the journalists involved and the credibility of institutions that backed them .

  3. 新闻语言与新闻经验相得益彰,新闻成了语言控制者根据经验给出的非自然的结果。

    For news language and news experience can bring out the best each other , news becomes the unnatural result given by language masters based on their experiences .

  4. 他将中国的新闻事业发展置于广阔的社会大背景中,结合中国实际和自己的经验对中国新闻事业的发展作了新的阐释。

    He put journalistic development of China in the extensive background of the society , and combined Chinese reality and self-experiences has explicated on journalistic development of China .

  5. 第二部分对陆定一延安时期的新闻实践作了梳理,着重论述了他在《解放日报》改版中的工作,分析了实践经验对他新闻思想形成所产生的影响。

    Part two combs newspaper work practice of Lu Dingyi during the Yan ' an period , especially elaborates his participation in the edition correction of Liberation Daily , well as obtained experience .

  6. 这位经验丰富的新闻官员提出建议,将发言人作为一种新的专业技术人才,让发言人融入人力资源和社会保障部已经设定的29种专业技术人才。

    The veteran information official proposed making the spokesperson post a new type of professional technical talent , to be incorporated into the current 29 categories of technical professions authorized by the country 's human resources authorities .

  7. 埃兹尔是一名有着丰富经验的政治类新闻记者,著有《连锁反应》(chainreaction)一书,这是论述种族在美国政治中作用的经典著作。

    Edsall is a veteran political reporter and the author of Chain Reaction , a classic study of the role of race in American politics .

  8. 事实上,得益于小说创作的丰富经验,萧乾的新闻特写创作更具开拓意义。

    In fact , thanks to the extensive experience of the novels , Xiao Qian News Feature creation of more ground-breaking .

  9. 本文结合作者新闻报道的经验,对证券新闻中一些疑难词及容易混淆的习惯说法的翻译作了探讨,并对一些不同的译法加以辨正。

    Based on the author 's experience in securities news reports , the paper discusses the translation of some difficult words and phrases and corrects a few misleading translations .

  10. 翻译经验:两年的新闻及期刊兼职翻译经验,擅长于经济,贸易,金融,管理等领域的中英互译翻译工作!

    Translation Experience : Two-year part-time translation on journal and news , Specialized in English-Chinese and Chinese-English Translation in the fields of economic , trade , finance , management , etc.

  11. 最后文章研究了国内数据新闻的发展现状,并对照国外发现了其中的不足,通过借鉴国外经验对中国数据新闻的发展提出了一些建议。

    Finally , the paper will make a research on the present situation of domestic data journalism , find its weakness against the external one and provide related advice for its development in accordance with foreign experience .

  12. 文章通过参考国内外企业薪酬管理理论,借鉴国内优秀城市电视媒体薪酬管理实践经验,对株洲新闻综合频道的薪酬管理现状进行了深入的调查研究,并对其中存在的问题及原因进行细致的分析。

    With the reference of salary management and practical experience among domestic excellent TV media , I study current salary structure of the Zhuzhou news and general channel by applying the theory of different companies from home and abroad .