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  • commercial audit contract
  1. 高校经济合同审计中应注意的问题

    Some Problems on Audit of College Economic Contracts

  2. 经济合同审计工作初探

    Primary Investigation on the Auditing of Economic Contract

  3. 笔者就高校审计部门开展经济合同审计的意义、经济合同审计中遇到的问题及如何做好此项审计工作谈点粗浅的看法。

    In this article , the author expresses her elementary introduction in the meaning and problem of auditing economic contracts and how to do it well .

  4. 经济合同问题分析与审计方法

    Audit Method and the Analysis of Economic Contract Problem

  5. 因此,深入地探讨经济合同各个环节中的主要问题,把经济合同审计作为审计工作的重点,可以把住资金收支的关口,提高企业的管理水平和经济效益。

    Therefore , Analyze the problems of economic contract and make the economic contract audit be the main point of the audit , which will help the enterprise enlighten the management level .