
  1. 潜在的学生和招聘人员将收看到MBA项目相关新闻、事件和活动的纪实报道。

    Potential students and recruiters will get fly-on-the-wall coverage of news , events and activities in the MBA programme .

  2. 马里兰州另一个地方银泉市,多年来,人们在这里探索传播,华盛顿的这片郊区成立了世界顶级的纪实报道媒体公司。

    In another part of Maryland , Silver Spring has , for years , been the base for discovering communications which built itself as the world 's top non-fiction media company .

  3. 一次强化行业设备管理水平的盛会&中国建筑业协会机械管理与租赁分会2005年年会纪实报道浅论市场经济条件下建筑业协会如何发展

    A Report on Annual Meeting of Equipment Management and Rental Branch under China Construction Association Simple discussion on which building trade association is how to develop under the condition of market economy