
  • 网络Commemorative bank notes;comemorative note
  1. 新的奥林匹克纪念钞立即被购买一空。

    The new Olympics commemorative bank notes were soon snapped up .

  2. 第五章,对奥运会纪念钞进行展望。

    The fifth chapter , the Olympic Games Olympic chao was discussed .

  3. 纪念钞采用了先进的防伪印刷工艺,在设计方案进行了严格筛选,是对奥林匹克精神的解读。

    Commemorative bank notes has adopted advanced anti-counterfeiting printing process , design has carried on the strict screening , is the understanding of the Olympic spirit .

  4. 中国人民银行将于本周二(7月8日)发行面值10元的北京奥运会纪念钞。

    The People 's Bank of China ( PBOC ), the country 's central bank , is to issue a commemorative bank note with a face value of10 yuan ( $ 1.46 ) from Tuesday to mark the Beijing Olympic Games .

  5. 第三章,介绍索契冬奥会纪念钞,索契这座城市得天独厚的地理条件对举办冬季奥运会有很多益处,索契冬奥会奥运钞的防伪印刷很有特点,值得给予深切关注。

    The third chapter , introduces the sochi commemorative bank notes , sochi advantageous geographical conditions on the city hosting the winter Olympics there are a lot of benefits , sochi Olympics printing anti-counterfeiting printing is characteristic , is worth to give deep concern .

  6. 为纪念这一盛事,渣打银行将发行世界首创的慈善纪念钞,面值为150港元。

    To mark the occasion , the bank has issued the world 's first $ 150 charity banknote .