
  • 网络Memorial site;monument;The Natural Bridges National Monument
  1. 全市六十多个博物馆和纪念地门票都能打折,也可以让你不用排队哦!

    It offers free and discounted admission to 60 museums and monuments around the city , and it lets you skip the ticket lines !

  2. 延安有445处革命纪念地,占陕西省红色旅游资源的72%。

    Yan'an is home to 445 memorial sites , accounting for 72 percent of Shaanxi 's Red tourism resources .

  3. 不过,克拉克一直在推动海德公园角(hydeparkcorner)新西兰纪念地的揭幕,以此纪念那些为国牺牲的人们。

    Yet Clark has been a driving force behind the unveiling of the New Zealand memorial at Hyde Park Corner , to commemorate those who died fighting for their country .

  4. 龙华革命烈士纪念地

    Longhua Memorial Place of Revolutionary Martyrs

  5. 家人会在他生日那天去霍波格的一处纪念地,给他唱歌。

    The family visited a memorial site in Hauppauge on his birthday and sang to him .

  6. 奥巴马在五角大楼的纪念地发表讲话后,前往华盛顿的一所学校帮助粉刷墙壁。

    After speaking at the Pentagon Memorial , the president traveled to a school in Washington to help paint its walls .

  7. 彼得•沃克:纪念地是要铭记那些在9•11事件中殉难的人们。“归零地”纪念地是重生的象征,重新燃起公众的希望。

    Walker : The Memorial remembers those who died on9 / 11 but it is also a symbol of rebirth and public revival .

  8. 烈士陵园、烈士纪念碑、纪念地等已经成为城市纪念性建筑的重要组成部分。

    The cemeteries of revolutionary martyrs , the monument to revolutionary martyrs and other memorial sites have become significant components of the city memorial buildings .

  9. 进入21世纪,在政府高层的推动下,各革命纪念地掀起了一股大力开发红色旅游的热潮。

    Entering into 21st century , various revolutionary memorial spots have surged to exploit Red Tourism under the promotion of the high leaders of government .

  10. 韶山铭园则再现了韶山民俗文化、风土人情,是韶山独具匠心的旅游纪念地之一。

    Shaoshan Ming Park , reproducing the folk culture and customs of Shaoshan , is one of Shaoshan 's memorial tourist resorts with unique ingenuity .

  11. 纪念地的很多石凳已经摆放了鲜花。每一张石凳上都刻着当天一位死难者的姓名。

    Flowers had been placed on many of the memorial 's stone benches , each of which bears the name of one of that day 's victims .

  12. 奥巴马总统将五角大楼纪念地称为“神圣的地点”。他对九年前那些遇难者的家人说,他们的亲人将不会被忘却。

    Calling the Pentagon " hallowed ground ," the president told the families of those who died nine years ago their loved ones will not be forgotten .

  13. 如果你喜欢动物的话,可以去布朗克斯动物园动物园看看,当然911纪念地也是不容错过的地方。

    If you 're into animals , you should check out the Bronx Zoo . The 9 / 11 memorial is also a place you can 't miss .

  14. 英国中部一工业城市;在第二次世界大战中被空袭毁坏;是世纪戈代娃女王的家乡的纪念地。

    An industrial city in central England ; devastated by air raids during World War II ; remembered as the home of Lady Godiva in the 11th century .

  15. 对历年韶山旅游业收入和接待参观人数的动态变化进行了研究.结果表明:革命纪念地的旅游开发受政治、资源等因素制约。

    After a study of the dynamic change these years in its tourism income and visitor number , we come to the conclusion that the development of its scenic spots of revolutionary significance is restricted by political and resource factors .

  16. 开拓创新旅游地学20年&为纪念旅游地学研究会20周年而作

    Twenty Years of Initiating and Innovating Tourism & In Commemoration of the 20th Anniversary of the Founding of Tourism Earth-Science Research Association

  17. 一部分人倾向于再建造一栋摩天大楼,而其他人对此强烈反对,更希望在“零点地带”建设一个宁静祥和的纪念之地。

    While some would prefer to build another skyscraper , others strongly oppose this and would rather have a peaceful memorial space set up at Ground Zero .

  18. 人们来到纪念馆崇敬地纪念这位伟大的领袖。

    People came to the memorial to revere the memory of the great leader .

  19. 他的纪念必由地上消灭,他的名字必不传于街市。

    Let the memory of him perish from the earth and let not his name be renowned in the streets .

  20. 随后在洪水期间漂流至尼罗河,运至吉萨和萨卡拉的纪念遗址所在地。

    then floated over to the Nile during the floods to be shipped off to the monument sites at Giza and Saqqara .

  21. 一年一度的该项赛事是为了纪念国际沼泽地日,比赛要求穿着脚蹼的潜水者不使用常规的游泳姿势游过一条360英尺(111米)的路程。

    The annual event , held in honor of International Bog Day , requires that flipper-outfitted snorkelers swim along a360-foot ( 111-meter ) stretch of bog without using conventional swimming strokes .

  22. 在她去世后漫长而又孤独的夜晚,他在宫中思考怎样才能建一座纪念馆最好地表达他对妻子的柔情。

    And in the palace during the long , lonely nights that followed her death , he considered how he could best express in a monument his tender feelings for his wife .

  23. 华盛顿大游行50周年纪念活动正在紧锣密鼓地准备中。

    Preparations are in full swing for the 50th anniversary of the March on Washington .

  24. 沃特卢,纽约均声称为“纪念日”诞生地,并从1868年开始每年庆祝。

    Waterloo , New York claims to be the official birthplace of Memorial Day , observing it every year from 1868 .

  25. 在此,我希望对我的前任和导师李钟郁博士表示纪念,他高瞻远瞩地建立了战略卫生行动中心。

    Here I would like to honour the memory of Dr JW Lee , my predecessor and mentor , for his foresight in establishing the Strategic Health Operations Centre .

  26. 即要他派遣军队攻打以色列,粉碎他们的力量,扫荡耶路撒冷剩余的居民,将他们的纪念,由那地上除去。

    Lysias was to send an army against them to crush and destroy the power of Israel and the remnant of Jerusalem and efface their memory from the land .

  27. 约翰逊说,马丁·路德·金纪念园将有力地彰显美国的多元化,礼赞这个国家从建国起,在民权领域所取得的巨大进步。

    Johnson says the King memorial will be a powerful statement about diversity in the United States & a tribute to how far this country has progressed in the area of civil rights since its founding .