
jì yuán
  • the beginning of an era;epoch;era
纪元 [jì yuán]
  • [beginning of an era;epoch] 指纪年的第一年,如我国最早开始有纪元是共和元年,即公元前 841 年

纪元[jì yuán]
  1. 登陆月球开创了太空探索的新纪元。

    The moon landing inaugurated a new era in space exploration .

  2. 这是我国历史上的一个新纪元。

    It was a new era in the history of our country .

  3. 我们很快就将迎来天文学的新纪元。

    We are on the threshold of a new era in astronomy .

  4. 基督诞生是世界历史上一个重要纪元的开端。

    The birth of Christ was the beginning of a major epoch of world history .

  5. 这标志着人类历史新纪元的开始。

    It marks the beginning of a new era in human history .

  6. 公元纪元是从耶稣的诞生算起。

    The Christian era is counted from the birth of christ .

  7. 协和飞机开创了空中旅行的新纪元。

    Concord inaugurated a new era in airplane travel .

  8. 华尔街立刻夸耀这种称之为“新纪元”的现象

    Like all manias , it needed an object of focus and an explanation .

  9. 迈向新纪元的CableModem技术

    Cable Modem Technology towards the New Epoch

  10. 这个系统是旨在开创Windows的的新纪元,它试图在移动设备、平板电脑和传统PC之间建立联系的纽带。

    Designed as a fresh start for Windows , it attempts to bridge mobile devices , tablets and traditional PCs.

  11. SOC集成电路设计的新纪元

    New era of IC design of SOC

  12. 它极大地推动了DNA芯片技术、生物信息技术、生命科学工业的兴起与发展;开辟了后基因组时代的新纪元。

    It not only cause a prominent initiation and development of DNA chips technology , bioinformatics technique and bioscience industry , but also initiate the new era of post-genome .

  13. 现在是普遍恩典和共同土地(commongraceandcommonland)的纪元,基督徒要顺服掌权者&即使他们是异教徒,并生活在各样的宪法之下,而不是神通过摩西所颁布的律法所确立的。

    Now is the era of common grace and common land , obeying rulers even pagan ones and living under constitutions other than the one that God gave through Moses .

  14. datetool:date工具的GNUProject实现包含了输出从UNIX新纪元以来的秒数的扩展。

    Date tool : The GNU Project 's implementation of the date tool contains an extension for outputting the number of seconds since the UNIX epoch .

  15. DNA疫苗作为第三代疫苗,其具备传统疫苗和基因工程苗不可比拟的优点,能够诱导全方位的免疫反应且使用安全方便,开创了疫苗学的新纪元。

    As the third generation of vaccine , DNA vaccine has advantages of traditional vaccine and genetic engineer vaccine , which can induce complete immune response and can be used safely and conveniently .

  16. 格里森专家制造系统(GEMS)开创弧齿锥齿轮及双曲面齿轮数字化制造新纪元

    Gleason Expert Manufacturing System ( GEMS ) Opens a New Era for Digitized Manufacturing of Spiral Bevel and Hypoid Gears

  17. Clap式冰刀的使用开创了速滑运动一个新的纪元。

    In the international world of speed skating , the use of Clap skates has ushered a new era .

  18. 它并不是一个简单的技术代名词,在3G基础上开发的各种业务应用也即将带领人们进入一个无线通信的新纪元。

    It is not just a simple technical synonym . The varieties of business applications based on 3G will soon lead people into a new era of wireless communications .

  19. 它似乎即将迈入第三纪元,并将在这个纪元中成为一家不可或缺的机构,催生新平庸(newmediocre)时代被认为必要的全球经济改革。

    It appears to be on the verge of a third epoch in which it is set to become indispensable , ushering in the global economic reforms now considered necessary in the ' new mediocre ' .

  20. 背景与目的:神经干细胞(NeuralStemCells,NSCs)的发现,改变了神经细胞不能再生的传统观念,开辟了神经修复的新纪元。

    Background and Objective : The discovery of neural stem cells ( NSCs ) has brought us into an epoch of neural restoration and changed the traditional concept that neural cells have not the ability to regenerate .

  21. 就职典礼前几天,巴拉克奥巴马(barackobama)制定了他对公共服务新纪元的远景规划,希望以此能勾勒出政府的形象,并实现国家的团结。

    Barack Obama spent the days leading up to the inauguration setting out his vision for a new era of public service he hopes will define the administration and unify the nation .

  22. P2P网络使得网络工作模式从集中式走向分布式,网络应用的核心从服务器走向每一个网络节点,开创了网络时代的一个新纪元。

    P2P networks make the network model from centralized pattern to distributed , let the core of web application from server to each node of network , which create an epoch of network age .

  23. 欧盟(EU)希望与美国的关系能开启新纪元,但随着欧盟轮值主席昨日谴责美国对全球衰退的补救措施为通往地狱之路,这一希望变得渺茫起来。

    European Union hopes for a new era in relations with the US were thrown into chaos yesterday when the holder of the EU presidency condemned American remedies for the global recession as the road to hell .

  24. 企业界曾希望奥巴马(obama)政府有关接触的言论将宣告美伊关系改善新纪元的来临,从而为这个全球第二大油气储备国获得更多投资铺平道路。

    Businesses were hoping the Obama administration , with its talk of engagement , would usher in an era of improved ties , paving the way for investment in the second largest holder of oil and gas reserves .

  25. 在它进入赛道之际,让我们回顾F1史上另外一些开创新纪元的革命性设计。

    As it hits the track , we look back at a few other revolutionary designs throughout F1 history that marked the beginning of new eras in the sport .

  26. 1992年,Reynolds首先建立了NPCs的体外悬浮培养方法,开创了NPCs体外培养、扩增及其应用的新纪元。

    Reynolds established suspension culture method for NPCs in 1992 which had created a new epoch to the culture , proliferation and application of NPCs .

  27. 两岸金融合作随著ECFA签订,已迈入了一个崭新的纪元。

    Following the signing of the ECFA , cross strait financial cooperation has marched into a new era .

  28. 迪士尼公司找到了宝藏,它的《复仇者联盟:奥创纪元》(TheAvengers:AgeofUltron)集合了漫威超级英雄们,获得4.59亿国内票房。

    And Disney struck pay dirt with " The Avengers : Age of Ultron , " which grouped together Marvel superheroes and delivered $ 459 million in domestic sales .

  29. 将从纪元开始的xseconds(3)转换成纳秒。

    Convert the value of xseconds since the epoch ( 3 ) to nanoseconds .

  30. 报道称,这款柔性OLED屏幕两侧均可拉伸最多12毫米,开创了手机屏幕技术的新纪元。

    A flexible OLED ( organic light-emitting diode ) screen which could stretch in both direction by as much as 12 millimetres might spell out a new era in phone screen technology , the report says .