
  • Hair ornaments;hair accessory
  1. 这个玩具附带的眼影、唇彩和发饰可用在飞马或小孩上。

    It comes with eye shadow , lip gloss and hair accessories that can be used on the horse or child .

  2. 墓葬所出的漆奁,内部存放的物品主要分面部化妆品、梳妆工具、发饰及其他一些物品。

    In excavated lacquer lian toilet boxes , the main deposited objects are facial cosmetics , dressing tools , hair accessories and other items .

  3. 在毕业舞会上,发饰万分重要,你知不知道?

    Do you know that hair accessories are mega-important for prom ?

  4. 唐墓壁画中的妇女发饰

    The Women 's Headgear in the Frescos of Tang Tombs

  5. 接下来,我就想起了之前一个坏掉的发饰上拆下的光板发夹。

    Next , I memorized the naked barrette from a broken ornament .

  6. 发饰:发箍,发夹,边夹,发圈。

    Barrettes : hair band , hair Barrettes , hair clip , hair loop .

  7. 头戴传统发饰、脸上画着传统图案的男子。

    Man in traditional headdress and face paint .

  8. 那就是整天玩我们的发饰。

    Playing with our Tiaras all day .

  9. 往常她都是头顶一堆发饰,现在就是一个简单的中分披肩发。

    In place of her often over the top hair pieces was a simple centre parting .

  10. 长发必须束起,发饰只许黑色或深蓝色。

    Girls who have long hair should tie their hair up with black or blue hair accessories .

  11. 将唐代发式、发饰的基本特征进行描述,总结了唐代女性饰品的应用与价值体现。

    Describe the style and basic features of hair ; summarize the application and embodiment of value of jewelry .

  12. 另一位爸爸向大家展示了孩子们给他戴的发饰,里面还有架迷你直升机。

    Another dad showed off the toys his kids used to accessorise his hair , which included a mini helicopter

  13. 这款头巾是一种非常华丽的发饰,上面可以插羽毛、珠子、花朵、以及其它的别致装饰。

    The fascinator is a particularly ornate hair accessory that can feature feathers , beads , flowers and other fancy trimmings .

  14. 新娘想要把头发盘起来,她买了一个漂亮的叶子形发饰准备佩戴。

    The Bride wants to wear her hair up , and she has bought a beautiful leaf shaped hair piece to wear .

  15. 发饰物,贵金属制,不论是否镶嵌宝石一个用黄金打造珠宝饰物或其它物品的技工。

    Ornament , hair , of precious metal , whether or not gem-set an artisan who makes jewelry and other objects out of gold .

  16. 最好能用不同的方法来佩戴发饰,而不只是每天都扎同样的马尾。

    It 's best to find various ways of putting hair accessories and not just the same pony tail , not doing it every day .

  17. 英国妇女大都会再搭配一顶帽子或是配有羽毛或宝石的发饰。

    Most British women will complete the look with a hat or a fascinator & a small feathered or jeweled hairpiece attached to a clip or a comb .

  18. 帽子后面部分采用了“发网”这一形式,即一种覆盖头发并自然垂下至颈部的发饰。

    The section at the back of the hat represents a ' caul , " a form of head-dress covering the hair and hung down over the neck .

  19. 发饰作为服饰文化中的一部分,可以修饰模特、装饰服装,与服装艺术有着紧密的联系。

    Hair accessories as one part of the dress culture , which can modify models and decorate clothing , have a close relationship with the art of clothing .

  20. 据人民日报在线报道,这种不走寻常路的发饰有大约100种不同的设计款,老少皆戴。

    Around 100 different designs are available for the unusual hair accessories , which have been worn by the young and old , reported People 's Daily Online .

  21. 发饰在服装艺术中的应用也有着悠久的历史,在不同的社会时期背景下,发饰在服装艺术中的应用体现出多重的作用。

    It has a longstanding history in the application in clothing . Under different social background , hair accessories play multiple roles in application in the art of clothing .

  22. 中国人喜欢发饰,头发上的饰品会让人看起来很俏丽。菲利普斯说。

    The Chinese love hair accessories and the idea of putting decoration in your hair as a way to get it out of the way and look pretty , says Phillips .

  23. 这个风貌多变的颜色,是女性珠宝、皮包、鞋子、发饰甚至指甲油画龙点睛的色彩,也可成为男装领带、衬衫及运动服饰的最佳重点色彩。

    Because of its versatility , Turquoise is a great accent color in jewelry , purses , shoes , hair accessories and even nail polish for women , and ties , shirts and sportswear for men .

  24. 佐贺光荣用日语“髪挿”(即中文的“发簪”,一种装饰性发饰)一词来形容各种“扩展”技术,例如在不消耗更多燃料的情况下,通过发动机废气再循环产生更多动力。

    Saga referred to the Japanese word kanzashi , a kind of ornamental hairpin to describe " add-on " technologies , such as recirculating exhaust from the engine to generate more power without burning more fuel .

  25. 但略感遗憾的是,学界对盛唐女性妆饰的研究,主要停留在服饰上,而对其诸如内涵复杂的面部化妆和发式的梳理、发饰的佩戴等缺乏较为深入的揭示和讨论。

    However , it remained a pity that these studies in academic circle mainly lingered over feminine attires , as for complex connotations of facial cosmetics , hairdo , hair ornaments were still lack of in-depth exposition and discussion .

  26. 文献与图像之间的差异主要表现在发饰、服饰、五官特征上,究其原因可能是文献的记载人多是受传统文化影响较大的阶层,在某种成分上可能会在套用前人的说辞。

    The difference between the literature and the image is mainly manifested in the hair accessories , clothing , facial features , the reason the literature records were mostly by the traditional culture of the larger class , certain ingredients are applied previous rhetoric .

  27. 唇瓣双唇花冠或花萼两部分之一,如金鱼草或兰花的装饰性上部花瓣这个玩具附带的眼影、唇彩和发饰可用在飞马或小孩上。

    One of the two divisions of bilabiate corolla or calyx , as in the snapdragon , or the modified upper petal of an orchid flower . It comes with eye shadow , lip gloss and hair accessories that can be used on the horse or child .