
fā yīn fānɡ shì
  • manner of articulation;diction
  1. 送气声可以听得见的发音方式。hour一字的开头字母h不发送气音。

    A manner of articulation involving an audible release of breath . The word ' hour ' is pronounced without an initial aspirate .

  2. 总声级加大,元音-辅音(能量)比提高,但与辅音的发音方式有密切关系。

    As a consequence of increasing SPL of speech vowel-to-consonant ratio is increased , but it depends on the manner of articulation of consonants .

  3. 结论:唇腭裂患者经RED前移上颌骨后,会对患者发音方式产生影响,在行语音治疗前需考虑全面。

    Conclusion : Articulation changed after RED in cleft patients .

  4. 结论正常成人4种发音方式的声音质量是不同的,这与喉肌的功能状态有关。

    Conclusion The voice of adult had distinctive characteristics with laryngeal muscle function .

  5. 基于分数规整的发音方式鲁棒的说话人识别研究

    Study on score normalization-based speaking-style variation robust speaker recognition

  6. 喉部手术后,不同发音方式的发音功能变化情况明显不同。

    Vocal function change with different articulation styles were different after laryngeal cancer surgery .

  7. 你不能说,在美国的所有词语都只有一种发音方式。

    You can 't say there 's one way to pronounce anything in American .

  8. 有的朋友非常排挤某种发音方式,甚至用了“极其讨厌”来形容。

    Some friends declared against American style or British style pronunciation , they even described it as " flipping " .

  9. 英语塞音单独出现在词首、词尾或与其他发音方式的辅音结合在一起构成辅音群出现在词首或词尾。

    English stops appear in the word-initial or word-final . They can compose consonant clusters , along with other consonants .

  10. 这款产品表面上是为了提供免费信息查询,其实让谷歌最感兴趣的,是掌握不同人的发音方式。

    Ostensibly a product that provided free directory assistance , Google was mostly interested in capturing the way different people pronounced words .

  11. 耳语音作为人类的一种特殊发音方式,在语音学和生理学上都有别于正常音。

    Whispered speech , a special phonation mode different from normal speech in phonetics and physiology , has existed in human daily life for long time .

  12. 结果男女的4种发音方式中,真声最高音最优,其他依次为舒适音、假声最高音、真声最低音。

    Results The highest true voice was most precedent and the others one by one were comfortable voice , the highest falsetto voice and the lowest true voice .

  13. 演员说的是他熟记的台词,甚至连他的动作、他的发音方式都是事先确定的。

    The actor has to speak words which he has learnt by heart ; even his movements and the ways in which he uses his voice are usually fixed beforehand .

  14. 伦敦大学一名研究员称口音现象源于人们发音方式的不同,而脑部受伤则会改变这种方式,导致口音变化。

    What sounds like an accent could result from the ways people articulate certain syllables that the brain injury might shift the way of articulation , said a researcher at University College London .

  15. 这种发音方式也叫作“嘎音”,发音时需将特定音节拉长,在喉咙后部发生震颤,形成一种拍打的声音,就像是拿着一根木棍滑过栏杆那样。

    Also known as creaky voice , it involves elongating certain syllables so that they vibrate at the back of the throat , creating a tapping sound like a stick running along a railing .

  16. 模仿是练习发音和说话方式的最好方法之一哟!

    Imitation is one of the best ways to learn pronunciation and speech patterns .

  17. 他的名字发音的夸张方式,诙谐地讽刺了媒体为追逐轰动效应而利用他的方式。

    The exaggerated way the name is uttered humorously mocks the way the media exploits him for sensational effect .

  18. 发音发音的行为或方式;说话。

    The act or manner of pronouncing words ; utterance of speech .