
fā qíng
  • estrus;oestrus;be in heat;heat;rut
发情 [fā qíng]
  • [oestrus;be in heat] 雌性高等动物卵子成熟期的情欲亢奋;也指雄性要求交配的冲动

发情[fā qíng]
  1. 下一次发情推迟了。

    The next estrus was delayed .

  2. 本试验以两种不同的同期发情方法,利用黄牛作为胚胎移植受体,移植冷冻进口奶牛IVF胚胎.试验1:一次PG法。

    Two different estrus synchronization methods were used in yellow cow synchronization .

  3. 在发情期各基因型右侧卵巢和左侧卵巢ERa无显著差异(P>0.05)。

    ERa mRNA levels from the left or right ovary were no significant difference among genetypes ( P > 0.05 ) .

  4. 不同发情周期阶段施用前列腺素F(2α)对豚鼠卵巢活动的作用

    The effect of prostaglandin f_2 α on ovarian activity of guinea & pigs during various stages of the oestrous cycle

  5. 尤其是在发情后期,MC电子密度极低。

    Especially in the metestrus , the electron density of mast cell was low .

  6. 莱芜黑山羊发情周期中FSH、LH、E2和P的分泌规律

    The Secretory Characteristics of FSH 、 LH 、 E_2 and P of Laiwu Black Goat during the Oestrus cycle

  7. A区和B区绵羊临床表现出被毛发焦、脱毛、羔羊出现摇摆病,羊群中母羊发情推迟,公羊配种能力下降。

    Clinical symptoms of sheep in zones A , B showed that ram and ewe were reduced reproductive performance , steely wolf , fall wool and lamb swayback .

  8. ERβ/p-ERβ在小鼠发情周期和早期妊娠卵巢中表达与分布的研究

    A Study on ER β / p-ER β Expression and Distribution in Mouse Ovaries during Oestrous Cycle and Early Gestational Period

  9. 用ELISA测乳汁孕酮进行奶牛的发情检查和早孕诊断的研究

    Studies on the use of ELISA to determine the whole milk progesterone level for the detection of estrus and early diagnosis of pregnancy

  10. MLT、LH和FSH对绵羊季节性发情的调控作用研究

    The Regulation of Melatonin 、 LH and FSH on the Seasonal Oestrus of Sheep

  11. 在7d内发情的比率提高54.37%(81.55%对27.18%,P<0.01)。

    The sow 's post-weaning estrus ratio was increased by 54.37 % ( 81.55 % : 27.18 % . P < 0.01 ) .

  12. 应用放射免疫分析法(RIA)首次测定了5只雌性成年狸獭发情周期中外周血浆17β-雌二醇(E2)和孕酮(P4)的含量。

    Radioimmunoassay ( RlA ) was first used to determine the concentrations of plasma 17 β - E2 and P4 for 5 female adult nutria at oestrous cycle .

  13. 对20头黑白花青年母牛应用孕马血清促性腺激素(PMSG)处理诱发发情。

    Holstein heifer were used to induce estrus using PMSG .

  14. 奶牛胚胎移植中GnRH、PGF(2α)同期发情处理效果的比较

    Comparison between GnRH and PGF 2 α on estrus synchronization in dairy cows

  15. 采用实时荧光定量PCR技术及激素电化学发光测定法研究了乌珠穆沁羊发情及妊娠期生殖道各组织Ghrelin基因表达量与体内雌、孕激素之间的关系。

    Used RQ-PCR and electrochemistry radiation mensuration researched the relationship between Ghrelin and estrogen , progesterone in oestrus and gestation genital tracts tissue .

  16. 给休情期母貂注射FSH和HCG可以诱导母貂发情。

    Injection of FSH and HCG to the anestrous female minks may induce the animals to come into an estrus state .

  17. 发情间期注射PMSG对猪卵泡发育及颗粒细胞凋亡的影响;

    Effects of PMSG on follicle development and granulosa cell apoptosis in the sows .

  18. 在发情开始后24h输精,可望有一个较高的受胎率。

    High conception rate was expected when the insemination was performed at 24 h after onset of oestrus First is artistic conception .

  19. 莱芜黑山羊GTH阳性细胞的免疫组化及发情周期中GTH、E2和P分泌规律研究

    The Secretory Characteristics of GTH 、 E_2 and P During the Oestrus Cycle and Immunohistochemical Studies on GTH-positive Cell of Laiwu Black Goat

  20. 绵羊受体同期发情处理研究表明,在繁殖季节,同一同期处理方案处理不同品种,同期发情率和受体利用率品种间差异不显著(P0.05)。

    In breeding season , there was no significant difference in the ratio of synchronized estrus and recipient utilization between the sheep breeds which were performed by the same protocol .

  21. 发情周期不同阶段MC超微结构组成相似,但胞质中的颗粒电子密度各不相同。

    Compared of four stage of estrus cycle , ultrastructure of mast cells was similar , but the particles in the cytoplasm had different electron density .

  22. 采用CIDR+PMSG方法对本地山羊进行同期发情处理,24h内发情率达到87.67%。

    With the method of CLRD + PMSG applied in estrus synchronization for the local goat , estrus rate in 24h was 87.76 % .

  23. 使用PMSG、HCG调节繁殖末期母蓝狐发情和产仔效果的试验研究

    Study on Effects of PMSG and HCG on Estrus and Fertility of Female Blue Fox at the End of Breeding Season

  24. 雌雄配对方式对发情行为有一定影响,即一雄配两雌配对方式下的雄性发情行为频次高于一雄配多雌(n≥4)配对方式下的雄性相应的发情行为频次;

    The sexual ratio has certain effect on the rutting behavior that is the frequency of rutting behavior in one male with two female is higher than that in one male with several female ( n > 4 );

  25. 自然同期发情和诱导同期发情的受体妊娠率、窝产仔数差异不显著(P>0.05),但自然同期发情受体的产仔率高于诱导同期发情受体的产仔率(P<0.05);

    There was no significant difference in the pregnancy rate between natural estrus recipients and induced estrus recipients , but the embryo survival rate of natural estrus recipients was significantly higher than induced estrus recipients ( P < 0 . 05 ) .

  26. PGF(2α)、eCG及hCG3种生殖激素联用对母犬发情、卵泡发育及胚胎着床的影响

    Effects of Combined Treatment with PGF_ ( 2 α) , eCG and hCG on Estrus and Follicular Development and Embryo Implantation in Anestrous Bitches

  27. PG第一次处理发情率、可移植率分别比第二次处理高。

    Rate of Re-nurture Estrus percentage and transplantable percentage of those cows treated for the first time was higher than that of the second time .

  28. 实时荧光定量PCR法分析ghrelinmRNA和GHS-R1amRNA在不同发情周期大鼠下丘脑、垂体、卵巢上的表达丰度。

    The expression of Ghrelin mRNA and GHS-R1a mRNA were analyzed in the hypothalamus , pituitary , ovary during estrous cycle by real-time fluorescence quantitative PCR .

  29. 繁殖季节和非繁殖季节母羊撤栓后集中发情时间大约相差12h。

    There is an about 12 hours interval in the time of sheep estrus between breed season and non-breed season after sponge removal .

  30. 在成年水牛发情间期的闭锁大卵泡上,GCs层弯曲皱折,存在多量凋亡的GCs。

    There were many apoptotic GCs and the GCs layer was curving and crinkling in the big atretic follicle of adult buffalo at dioestrus .