
  • 网络Equus hemionus;Asiatic wild ass;E.hemionus;E.ahemionus;onager
  1. 自19世纪中期,由于人类活动干扰,分布区日益缩小,全球范围内亚洲野驴均处于濒危状态。

    Because of the human interferences since the mid19th century , the distribution area of E.hemionus has reduced increasingly , and fallen into an endangered condition around the world .

  2. 与努比亚野驴、索马里野驴和亚洲野驴的序列构建NJ系统发育树,首次证明我国家驴的母系起源为非洲野驴中的索马里驴和努比亚驴,亚洲野驴不是中国家驴的祖先。

    The NJ tree of Chinese domestic donkeys with Nubian , Somali and Asian wild ass was constructed , which first proved that the maternal origin of Chinese domestic donkeys was from Somali and Nubian of African wild ass but not from Asian wild ass .