
  1. 隶属于亚龙湾热带天堂森林公园的豪华酒店——鸟巢度假村,就构建在郁郁葱葱的树冠之上。

    Attached to the park is a luxury hotel , the Bird 's Nest Resort , which is built on top of the thick forest canopy .

  2. 亚龙湾热带天堂森林公园是冯小刚执导的影片《非诚勿扰2》的拍摄地,在那儿,你可以尽情领略自然风光。

    Yalong Bay Tropical Paradise Forest Park is the filming site of Director Feng Xiaogang 's Movie - " If You Are the One II , " where you would enjoy the nature of beauty .