
  • WEDDING;wedding photos
  1. 亲爱的,我们什么拍婚纱照呢?

    Darling , when shall we take our wedding photos ?

  2. 后来到了一个很有名的天主教堂,那儿依然有很多新人在拍婚纱照。

    Later we arrived at a famous church where more many couples taking wedding photos .

  3. SanitNitigultanon在给泰国夫妻Max和Mint拍婚纱照时也遇到了摄影师们通常都会遇到的问题。

    Sanit Nitigultanon was faced with the typical photographer 's challenge when tackling a wedding shoot for Thai couple Max and Mint .

  4. 那么在沈阳照一套婚纱照需要多少钱?

    Then how much does cost to take photos for couples ?

  5. 在中国,多数去公园拍摄婚纱照的新人们的礼服都是租来的。

    Most park-going , photo-parade couples in China are in rented apparel .

  6. 在他们附近,有一对夫妇在桥上拍婚纱照。

    Nearby , a couple posed for wedding pictures on the bridge .

  7. 然而,这也并非他们拍摄棺材主题婚纱照的唯一原因。

    But that was not the only reason behind the couple 's photo shoot .

  8. 露西原来如此。我结婚时,也要去那儿拍婚纱照。

    I see . I will go there to take wedding pictures when I get married .

  9. 如果是你,你会选择到公墓拍摄婚纱照吗?

    If it were you , Will you choose to take wedding photos at burial ground ?

  10. 右边的墙上有四颗铁钉,是用来固定他们的婚纱照的。

    There were four nails on the right wall that were used to fix their wedding photo frame .

  11. 一对新加坡情侣在棺材旁边拍摄婚纱照,此举在网上引起了轰动。

    A Singaporean couple has created a stir online after posing with a coffin in their wedding photos .

  12. 这组婚纱照反响非常大,相册在脸书上已收获到了31000个赞。

    Reaction to the photographs have been huge , with the album receiving some 31000 likes on Facebook .

  13. 在中国并不像西方,婚纱照一般是和婚礼同样重要的。

    In China , unlike in the West , wedding photographs are often as important as the ceremony itself .

  14. 雇佣了一批专业的摄影团队,周董和昆凌在10月去欧洲拍了婚纱照。

    Hiring a professional photography crew , Jay and Hannah toured Europe to take their wedding photos in October .

  15. 而且公园里不只有我,还有好多好多人在拍婚纱照。

    And it wasn 't just me at the park . There were tons of people there taking wedding photos .

  16. 中肯的说,在俄罗斯人们拍婚纱照的方式非常独特。

    I think it 's fair to say that in Russia , they do the traditional wedding photos rather differently .

  17. 虽然客人们可能会错过棺材主题的婚纱照,但是这组照片却在脸书上引起了很大的反响。

    But while guests may miss out on their coffin-themed shoot , the pictures drew a huge response on Facebook .

  18. 这组棺材主题的婚纱照是由泰女士提议的,是在新加坡的一家水上公园取景的。

    The coffin-themed photo shoot , which was initiated by Ms Tay , took place in a waterway park in Singapore .

  19. 我拿出自己的相机拍下了他们,然后又穿上婚纱照了些自拍像。

    I took out my own camera and photographed them , and did a few self portraits in my wedding veil .

  20. 虽然大学生情侣拍婚纱照在中国已经更加流行,许多学生承认这需要金钱和勇气。

    Although taking wedding photos has become more popular in China , many students acknowledge it requires both money and courage .

  21. 近日,一组貌似25岁女子嫁给八旬老人的“婚纱照”在国内走红。

    A collection of wedding photos appearing to show a 25-year-old woman married to an octogenarian have gone viral in China .

  22. 拍婚纱照在亚洲尤其流行,为了记录完美的瞬间,一些人甚至出国旅游拍照纪念。

    Pre-wedding photoshoots are especially common in Asia , with some even travelling overseas in order to capture the perfect moment .

  23. 针对一系列新人们关心的婚纱照问题,本报记者走访调查了沈城9家大型连锁婚纱影楼。

    The Commercial Times therefore made a survey to9 major wedding photography studios including Vogue Classics , Swarov and Werner Wedding .

  24. 一些女同学还使用假胡子或者足球等道具给这些婚纱照注入了幽默元素。

    Some of the female graduates also inject some humor into wedding-style shoots by using props like fake mustaches or soccer balls .

  25. 郭晶晶的白色婚纱照在网上快速传播,这位31岁的奥运会金牌得主和她33岁的丈夫结婚了。

    Pictures of Guo in a white wedding gown spread online as the 31-year-old Olympic gold medalist and her 33-year-old husband married .

  26. 下面你将会看到,他们有时会拍出既富于创意又略带诡异,喜感十足的婚纱照,让你永生难忘!

    And as you will see , they sometimes come up with bizarrely creative and hilarious examples that will never be forgotten !

  27. 在中国,婚纱照拍摄场面依旧没什么变化:新娘、新郎、摄影师和一组化妆师、反光装置等。

    The scene is nothing new in China : bride , groom , photographer , and a team of make-up-mastering , sun-reflector-wielding helpers .

  28. 在国内,一场完整的婚礼包括拍婚纱照,婚礼,婚宴,婚纱,钻戒和蜜月。

    In China , a complete wedding includes photography , the marriage ceremony , the banquet , dresses , wedding rings and honeymoon .

  29. 新人家庭一般会在这几个方面花钱:婚纱照、婚车、婚纱和蜜月&去美国或是在国内旅游。

    The families spend on the usual : photographs , limos , wedding gowns and honeymoons & to the U.S. or at home .

  30. 新人家庭一般会在这几个方面花钱:婚纱照、婚车、婚纱和蜜月——去美国或是在国内旅游。

    The families spend on the usual : photographs , limos , wedding gowns and honeymoons - to the U.S. or at home .