
hūn qián cái chǎn
  • prenuptial property
  1. 第十九条夫妻可以约定婚姻关系存续期间所得的财产以及婚前财产归各自所有、共同所有或部分各自所有、部分共同所有。

    Article 19 So far as the property acquired during the period in which they are under contract of marriage and the prenuptial property are concerned , husband and wife may agree as to whether they should be in the separate possession , joint possession or partly separate possession and partly joint possession .

  2. 他补充说,很多人都瞒着自己的另一半,单独前来询问是否能办理婚前财产的个人所有权认证。

    He adds that many people come to him as individuals , asking whether they can conduct the required ownership verification of prenuptial property by themselves alone - without telling the future spouse .

  3. 我个人认为婚前财产公证是必要的。

    I am personal to think it is necessary that premarital property notarize .

  4. 所以女方应该现实一点,接受婚前财产公证。

    Therefore , it is smart and realistic for bride to accept a prenuptial agreement .

  5. 苏格兰和欧洲大陆大部分地区的情况也类似,婚前财产是不包括在离婚协议中的。

    Similarly , in Scotland and much of continental Europe , pre-marital assets are excluded from a divorce settlement .

  6. 第二部分是关于夫妻婚前财产婚后收益归属的理论争议。

    The second part has introduced the theoretical controversy of the ownership of pre-marital property and the income after marriage .

  7. 但也有许多人担心这份既功利又现实的婚前财产协议,会破坏夫妻间所应有的信任,显示出恋人间信任与真爱的缺失。

    Represented by a prenuptial accord may harm the necessary bedrock trust in a relationship , suggesting lack of faith and true love .

  8. 夫妻一方婚前财产,是指在婚姻关系发生效力以前夫妻一方已经享有所有权的财产。

    The pre-marital property of one spouse , it means that the spouse had got ownership of the property before marriage relation becoming effective .

  9. 对于婚前财产于婚后产生收益的归属问题,在国内学界的主流观点是根据夫妻协力原则来判断。

    Fore the ownership of post-marriage income from premarital property , scholars hold that should based on the principle of husband and wife cooperation .

  10. 一方的婚前财产为夫妻一方的个人财产,不因婚姻关系的延续而转化为夫妻共同财产。

    The pre-marital property of any one is the personal property of one spouse , never extending into the common property for marriage relation continuing .

  11. 目前,最高法院正在关于适用《婚姻法》若干问题的解释草案中对婚前财产,特别是住房的所有权,进行解释和规定。

    Now the Supreme Court is addressing pre-marriage assets , particularly property such as a house , in a draft interpretation of the Marriage Law .

  12. 在英格兰和威尔士,不仅婚前财产包括在内,而且连离婚诉讼程序都是在平分财产的前提下开始的。

    In England and Wales , not only are pre-marital assets included , divorce proceedings begin on the basis of a 50:50 split of the assets .

  13. 草案中规定,夫妻一方的婚前财产及其增值收益属于个人财产,除非另一方证明对此财产做出了贡献。

    The draft says that a person has sole ownership of a pre-marriage asset , including its appreciated value , unless his or her partner proves contribution .

  14. 管理委托人的财产。如:婚前财产见证;婚后财产分离;日常财产管理等。

    Manage the client 's property , such as undertaking notarial work for the property prior to marriage , the division of marital property , day-to-day management etc.

  15. 不管你住在哪里,婚前财产协议都是一个好主意,特别是如果你没有计划要孩子,同时婚姻也不大可能持续下去的情况下。

    A " pre-nup " is a good idea wherever you live , especially if you do not plan to have children and if the marriage is unlikely to last .

  16. 这种法律制度的典型形式是共同财产制度。通常来说,婚前财产以及若能证明一方通过赠予或获得的财产,犹为各自所有。

    The legal regime is typically a form of community property , usually with pre-marital property and property acquired through gift or inheritance keep separate if it can be identified as such .

  17. 任何一方当事人不得对对方当事人的婚前财产及其租金、盈利或增值提出任何权利要求,或者存有任何厉害关系。

    At no time shall either party have any claim or interest in any separate property or rents , profits , or increase from that property of the other party before this marriage .

  18. 在英格兰和威尔士,婚前财产协议不对离婚法庭构成约束,它充其量只是法庭在分割财产时考虑的因素之一。

    In England and Wales , a pre-nup does not bind a divorce court and at best it will only be one of the factors to be considered by the court when dividing assets .

  19. 婚后夫妻财产处理协议夫妻对婚姻关系存续期间所得的财产以及婚前财产的约定,对双方具有约束力。

    The agreement reached between the husband and wife on the property acquired during the period in which they are under contract of marriage and on the prenuptial property is binding on both parties .

  20. 对于此问题笔者是从婚姻法的夫妻财产一般原则一方的婚前财产为夫妻一方的财产出发进行推导。

    For this problem the author from the marriage law of the matrimonial property general principles " on the side of the property before marriage is one of the spouses property " of derivation .

  21. 依照夫妻共同生活的本质目的,婚前财产于婚后产生的收益体现夫妻协力作用的,应认定为夫妻共同财产;反之,为个人财产。

    Considering the essential purpose of husband and wife living together , post-marriage income from premarital property should be defined as common property because it reflects husband and wife cooperation , otherwise it is personal property .

  22. 看看[查曼判决]中的这句话在实践当中意味着什么是很有趣的,哈珀说道。他认为,麦卡特尼案在阐明婚前财产法方面起到了一定作用。

    It will be interesting to see what that sentence [ in the Charman judgment ] means in practice , says Harper , who thinks the McCartney case has gone some way to clarifying the law on pre-marital assets .

  23. 按照婚姻法的新司法解释,妻子被丈夫抛弃时,不再按照常规获得丈夫婚前财产的一半这催生了一个新的险种,在离婚时仅对妻子进行支付。

    The reinterpretation of the marriage law which overturned the practice of routinely giving jilted wives half of property purchased by the husband before marriage spawned a new industry in insurance policies that pay only the wife upon divorce .

  24. 虽然出资不一,产权证上大多为共有,但基于各种原因,这些情侣并未最终结婚,由此带来一系列的关于婚前财产的法律问题和纠纷。

    Although the contribution is different , the property right belongs to the couples , but for various reasons , these couples did not eventually get married , which results series on pre-marital property for legal issues and disputes .

  25. 本部分结合案例对我国离婚案件财产分割中容易出现争议的五种财产类型:知识产权的可预期利益、按揭房屋、人力资本及其预期利益、夫妻股权、婚前财产收益进行了分析。

    In this section , we analyzed five property types which are easier to have controversy in divorce cases : expected benefits intellectual property rights , mortgage housing , human capital and its expected benefits , husband and wife share , earnings pre-marital property .

  26. 笔者建议将婚姻法第19条修改为夫妻对婚姻关系存续期间所得的财产以及婚前财产的约定,对双方具有约束力。

    The author suggested that article 19 in marriage law should be revised as the two parties agreement on the property gained at the duration of the marriage or before marriage being binding to the two parties , except that the agreement violated justice .

  27. 第三部分指出现行法律的不足之处,即夫妻财产约定订立形式不明确、类型不能满足实际需要、对外效力缺乏可操作性、对婚前财产所做约定效力不明确等。

    The third part indicates the inadequacies of existing law , that the situation of the marital property agreement is not clear , the type can not meets the actual needs , lack of operation of external effects , the effectiveness of the premarital agreement is not clear etc. .

  28. 对于婚前赠与财产的属性到底如何界定是处理此类案例的关键。

    How to define pre-marital gift of property is crucial .

  29. 婚前赠与财产要求返还的请求权基础研究

    The Research of the Basis of Right of Claiming the Property Donated before Marriage

  30. 如果为婚前个人财产对房屋就不涉及分割问题,但对房屋的增值部分是否可分、如何分割问题就比较复杂。

    If premarital personal property for housing is not involving the segmentation problem , but the housing value-added part is divided , how the segmentation problem is more complicated .