
  • 网络marriage problem;marital problem;Marriage Matters;Marriage
  1. 典型稳定婚姻问题的简明矩阵算法实现

    Brief matrix algorithm realization of typical " stable marriage problem "

  2. 介绍了稳定婚姻问题和解决该问题的回溯法;

    Stable marriage problem and the solving method Backtracking are described .

  3. 我们怎么谈到婚姻问题上了?

    How did we get onto the subject of marriage ?

  4. 这是他第一次婚姻问题的重演。

    It was an action replay of the problems of his first marriage .

  5. 我父母对男女关系和婚姻问题思想保守得很。

    My parents are old-fashioned about relationships and marriage .

  6. 她无论如何不会上法庭解决婚姻问题。

    She would never resort to the law courts to resolve her marital problems .

  7. 她的儿子没有婚姻问题。

    Her son had no marital problems .

  8. 他们拿婚姻问题逗比尔。

    They bantered with Bill on the subject of marriage .

  9. 我后悔干涉我女儿的婚姻问题,现在我所做的一切将给我带来无穷的烦恼。

    I regret getting involved with my daughter 's marital problems ; all its done is to bring trouble about my ears .

  10. 你觉得我们婚姻问题是mary修女造成的?

    You 're blaming sister Mary for the tension in our marriage ?

  11. 【句型操练2】印度大多数女性尤其是农村妇女在婚姻问题上常无法自由选择。…theywon'thaveachoiceinthesematters…….(译文:在这个问题上她们不会有其它选择。)

    Most Indian women , especially those in rural areas , often have no choice in matters of marriage .

  12. Stark夫人,很明显Andrew所作所为是非常不好的,但我要为他说两句,她的妈妈和我正在面临严重的婚姻问题。

    Mrs. Stark , what Andrew did was clearly wrong , but in his defense , his mother and I are going through severe marital problems .

  13. Gottman强调指出在婴儿出生前,对主要婚姻问题的处理对夫妇来说是至关重要的。

    Gottman stresses that it 's crucial for couples to tackle major marriage problems before the infant arrives .

  14. 桑德拉·莫里(SandraMurray)和他的同事已对婚姻问题研究了数年,发现将伴侣理想化的确是经营一个成功婚姻的良方。

    Sandra Murray and her colleagues have been studying romantic relationships now for several decades , and have found that idealising one 's partner is a sure recipe for marital success ;

  15. 她为许多夫妇就婚姻问题提供咨询服务。

    She counseled a lot of couples on their marriage problems .

  16. 特勤人员正调查他是否有婚姻问题。

    Special agents are investigating whether he had any marital problems .

  17. 不要向家人或朋友谈论你的婚姻问题

    Don 't talk to family or friends about your situation .

  18. 公然的敌意表现被认为是预示婚姻问题的兆头。

    Overt expression of hostility is considered evidence of marital problems .

  19. 我们希望能提一下您的婚姻问题。

    We beg to raise the question of your marriage .

  20. 你实在该考虑你的婚姻问题了。

    It 's high time you thought about getting married .

  21. 你不希望卷入他们的婚姻问题。

    You don 't want to get embroiled in their marital problems .

  22. 在婚姻问题上,那位年轻人与他的父母有分歧。

    The young man patted company with his parents on his marriage .

  23. 在他们有了第一个孩子不久,婚姻问题就产生了。

    Their marital problems started soon after they had their first chiled .

  24. 约翰的婚姻问题尚无着落。

    John 's marriage is still up in the air .

  25. 我国事实婚姻问题的婚姻法规制

    Suggestion on solving the problem of de facto marriage by marriage law

  26. 受害者和她丈夫有婚姻问题。

    The victim and her husband were having marital problems .

  27. 他们不应当承受我们婚姻问题的压力。

    They don 't need to be burden with our marital problems .

  28. 谢天谢地,我长大了,在婚姻问题上已打消那些不切实际的念头。

    Thankfully , I 've outgrown all those unrealistic notions about marriage .

  29. 哈代的小说几乎都涉及恋爱婚姻问题。

    Most of Hardy 's novels involve the problem of love and marriage .

  30. 我们就婚姻问题取笑尼克。

    We bantered Nick on the subject of marriage .