
  • 网络Harmony of the Worlds;Harmonices Mundi;Harmonice Mundi
  1. 它强调主观和客观世界的和谐共处。

    It emphasizes the harmony of the subjective and objective world .

  2. 阿拉伯世界的和谐与发展

    Harmony and Development of the Arab World

  3. 环境正义对于整个世界的和谐和持续发展十分重要。

    Environmental justice is very important for the harmonious and sustainable development of the whole world .

  4. 人与世界的和谐乐章&论17世纪法国新古典主义文学的价值取向

    Harmonious Melody of Man and World & On the Attitudes of Value of French Neo-classical Literature in the 17th century

  5. 中欧青年广泛交往,深入交流,增进友谊,相知互助,对于中欧关系的长远发展,对于中欧各自的稳定繁荣,对于世界的和谐美好,都具有积极的促进意义。

    The friendship and trust our young people develop through exchanges and contacts benefit the future of China , Europe , and the world .

  6. 我们将认真对待时代赋予的国际责任,为世界的和谐与发展做出自己的贡献。

    We need to learn and fulfill the international responsibilities time has endowed on us and contribute to building harmony and prosperity in the world .

  7. 和谐社会、和谐世界的和谐理念或思想,在我国古代经济思想中源远流长,极有探索、研究的价值。

    Harmonious society , world and ideology have run a long course in Chinese ancient economic ideology , which has a great value of both exploration and research .

  8. 该论文分析了在《仪典》中,席尔柯是如何恢复了主人公塔约内心的和谐,以及他的外部世界的和谐。

    This thesis probes into Ceremony by analyzing how Silko brings back harmony to Tayo , the protagonist in this novel , and to the world outside him .

  9. 未来,宗教将朝着世俗化、多元化的方向不断发展,以“爱的精神”促进世界的和谐发展。

    In the future , religion will develop towards secularization and pluralization , and will promote the harmonious development of the world by " the spirit of love " .

  10. 中国作为一个负责的发展中大国,愿与国际社会一道,加强合作,共同分享机遇,应对挑战,为推动实现世界的和谐与可持续发展贡献力量。谢谢大家!

    China , as a responsible major developing country , is ready to strengthen cooperation , share opportunities , meet challenges and contribute to the harmonious and sustainable development of the world .

  11. 史怀泽认为,人的存在不是孤立的,有赖于其他生命和整个世界的和谐;

    In his opinion , the existence of human being relies on the harmonious existence of other life forms and the natural world in which any forms of life have equal right to live .

  12. 同样,我们越是理解物质世界的和谐,我们的生活就越是能够分享创造的喜悦,我们在艺术上表现美就会非常普遍。

    In like manner the more we comprehend the harmony in the physical world the more our life shares the gladness of creation , and our expression of beauty in art becomes more truly catholic .

  13. 建构中的和谐社会价值共识是对中国传统社会价值观,对市场经济价值观,甚至西方资本主义价值观的批判性吸收和辩证的超越,对我国全面建设小康社会乃至世界的和谐都具有重要意义。

    The construction of the consensus value of harmonious society is the critically absorb and dialectical beyond about Chinese traditional society values , market economic values , even the values of Western capitalism . It is also significant to our overall development of comparative prosperity or even world harmony .

  14. 《荒岛机器人》TheWildRobot彼得·布朗PeterBrown这部小说通过图画散文和生动的插图,传达了一种微妙而有力的信息,即技术与自然世界之间的和谐。——

    The novel carries a subtle but powerful message about harmony between technology and the natural world , brought to life with painterly prose and eloquent illustrations . ―

  15. 最后,我们将我们的功德转给世界的和平和谐。

    Finally we transfer our merits all around the world for peace and harmony .

  16. 心理素质的发展实质就是在教育和环境的影响下,自我心理世界内部的和谐变化导致的心理物质和心理社会世界三维心理空间的膨胀。

    The development of mental disposition is the expansion of three-dimensional space brought about by the harmonious development of Psychic ego under the influence of education and environment .

  17. 除物质流之外,人的流动(当然也伴随着物流)在它们之间的畅通程度也决定着世界系统的和谐程度,进而决定着人类社会是否可持续发展。

    Besides the material flows , the degree of the smooth while the human move among them also decide the harmonious degree of the world system , and then decide whether the human society can gain sustainable development .

  18. 工具霸权、发达国家的利益最大化、贫富差距的拉大、人的异化、文明秩序的失范乃于整个世界的不和谐,都与经济全球化过程息息相关。

    Tool hegemony , interest maximization of developed countries , enlarging gap between rich and poor , alienation of human beings , degeneration of culture order , and even the disharmony in the world as a whole , are all closely linked with the process .

  19. 我们就会对这个世界产生更多的和谐,我们的星球也会变得更加安宁。

    the more peace we will project into the world , and the more peaceful our planet will be .

  20. 他们对赖以生存的大地以及生长在大地上的自然万物都怀有深切的敬意并十分强调人类同自然世界的平衡与和谐。

    Holding deep reverence for the land and the various species , they emphasize a balanced and harmonious relationship between human beings and the natural world .

  21. 人与世界关系的不和谐脱节,然而人类只能忍受存在的荒诞,无法逃脱。第二部分,荒谬冷漠的世界导致异化感的产生。

    As a physical part of the world , man cannot escape this absurdity ; section two relates alienation that is induced by the indifferent and absurd world .

  22. 同时,中国优秀传统文化经过改造和创新,必将为全世界的文明、和谐与进步作出令人瞩目的伟大贡献。

    At the same time , the reform and renovation of ancient Chinese culture can be a great contribution to the progress of the harmony and civilization in the whole world .

  23. 本文正是力图立足于真正现实主体意识的觉醒,来重建价值理性,以确保人类精神生活世界的完整与和谐,实现发展观念的科学化与发展道路的人性化。

    This text , basing on really realistic subject consciousness is exactly trying hard to rebuild value reason , so as to ensure the fullness and harmony of human cultural life world and to realize the scientific development idea and the humanization of the development path .

  24. 从宏村古水系保护谈世界文化遗产保护的和谐追求

    In the pursuit of harmony from protecting Hong Village 's ancient water system

  25. 第一次,世界上充满完美无缺的和谐,所有的生命如此安详。

    The world , for once , in perfect harmony with all its living things .

  26. 教师专业境界:精神世界和现实世界的和谐&过程哲学视野下的教师专业发展

    The Harmony between Spiritual and Real World : Teachers ′ Professional State under the Vision of Process Philosophy

  27. 对世界的宇宙秩序之和谐(世界秩序之美)的追求是爱因斯坦锲而不舍进行科学探求的动机;

    Einstein ′ s motive of investigating science is to pursuit for the harmonious order of the universe . ( the beauty of the world );

  28. 除此以外,宝安人民坚信大运会能够为宝安文化和世界多元化的文化搭建和谐的桥梁关系。

    But beyond that , people of Bao'an believe that Universiade can help to enhance the harmony between our culture and the diverse cultures of the world .

  29. 但从当前世界面临的种种不和谐因素看,构建和谐世界的道路是一个渐进、漫长而又曲折、艰难的过程。

    However , the world today has many factors of disharmony , so the road building a harmonious world is a gradual , long and tortuous and difficult .

  30. 在科学哲学中,毕达哥拉斯主义的要旨是认为物理世界的奥秘在于数学和谐或基本对称性。

    In the philosophy of science , the tenor of Pythagoreanism is that the mystery of the physical world exists in the mathematic harmony or the basic symmetry .