
shì jiè dì qiú rì
  • World Earth Day
  1. 世界地球日&人类对地球母亲的忏悔日

    World Earth Day & Shrove Tuesday of the Human Beings to Earth Mother

  2. 节约集约利用资源,实现科学发展&从第38个世界地球日宣传主题谈起

    Utilizing Resources Economically and Intensively to Realize the Development of Science & Based upon the Theme of the 38th World Earth Day

  3. 接受“世界地球日挑战”

    Take on the Global Earth Challenge

  4. 如果你有喜爱调研的家人,可以让他们下载世界地球日挑战应用,收集社区中关于空气质量和塑料污染的数据。这是一个让自己和他人了解在当地怎么做才能有助于减轻地球压力的理想方式。

    If you have family members who love to investigate , have them download the Global Earth Challenge app and collect data about the air quality and plastic pollution in your community . This is an ideal way to teach yourself and others about actions you can take locally to help lessen the stress on the planet .

  5. 示威活动将在4月22日“世界地球日”(EarthDay)这天达到高潮,届时全美及世界各地的城市将举行“挺科学游行”(MarchforScience)。

    These will culminate in a March for Science on April 22 , Earth Day , in cities across the US and worldwide .

  6. 但也是在1970年,环保运动人士第一次举行了“世界地球日”(EarthDay)。而且在45年前的9月,国会通过了颇具影响力的新《清洁空气法》(CleanAirAct)。

    But 1970 was also the year the environmental movement held the first Earth Day and when , 45 years ago this month , Congress passed a powerful update of the Clean Air Act .

  7. 本周三是世界地球日。就前美国航空暨太空总署太空人埃德加-米契尔和其他UFO狂热者而言,真实的事件正发生于某些地方。

    Earth Day may fall later this week , but as far as former NASA astronaut Edgar Mitchell and other UFO enthusiasts are concerned , the real story is happening elsewhere .

  8. 是你的国家做什么来庆祝世界地球日?

    What is your country doing to celebrate Earth Day ?

  9. 有为世界地球日做点什么特别的事吗?

    Did you do anything special for Earth Day ?

  10. 世界地球日倡导绿色行为。

    Earth Day organizers call for " a billion acts of green " .

  11. 一年之后,第一个“世界地球日”诞生。

    The inaugural Earth Day happened a year later .

  12. 世界地球日快乐!今天的博文是康碧翠总领事写的。

    Happy Earth Day ! Today 's blog is by Consul General Camp .

  13. 如果环保运动有盛典,那么世界地球日当之不愧。

    If the environmental movement has a high holiday , Earth Day is it .

  14. 一项环境运动就此应运而生,而世界地球日就此在全球保留至今。

    And An environmental movement was born , and Earth Day is now observed around the world .

  15. 下周三是世界地球日,这是我们珍惜和保护这个作为我们共同家园的珍贵星球的日子。

    Wednesday is Earth Day , a day to appreciate and protect this precious planet we call home .

  16. 在世界地球日,有些问题值得深思:人口爆炸到底带来了多大的环境问题?

    Some questions to ponder on Earth Day : how much of an environmental problem is the growing human population ?

  17. 如今,地球日已经成为全球性的惯例。为了向它致敬,谷歌为2015年的世界地球日创作了一个新的涂鸦。

    To honor what has become a global observance , a new Google Doodle has been created for Earth Day 2015 .

  18. 在世界地球日这一天,我将到访佛罗里达州的埃弗格莱兹湿地,向大家介绍气候变化对我国经济产生的影响。

    And on Earth Day , I 'm going to visit the Florida Everglades to talk about the way that climate change threatens our economy .

  19. 通过种植肉质植物庆祝世界地球日!这些丰富有趣的珍宝,不需要许多照顾,但回报给你的是这个拥挤城市中清新的空气这一份完美的礼物。

    Celebrate Earth Day by planting succulents ! These colorful treasures require very little care and will reward you with the perfect gift of clean air in a crowded city .

  20. 在世界地球日40周年之际,让我们相聚家盒子,想一想我们的环境和未来,开展绿色行动,提倡“低碳生活”,共同守护我们唯一的家园!

    In the40th anniversary of earth day , let 's get together at Family Box , to think about our environment and future , take green actions , promote " Low Carbon Life ", and protect our one and only homeland .

  21. 每年全世界都庆祝地球日。

    Earth Day is celebrated around the world each year .