
  • 网络World Regional Studies
  1. 本文概要地回顾了改革开放以来我国世界地理研究工作在突破旧传统、开拓新领域、阐发新观点等方面取得的成绩;

    Works of world regional studies accomplished in China during the past fifteen years since the Reform and Opening to the Outside World are reviewed in retrospect .

  2. 双核型空间结构模式及其在世界地理研究中的应用

    Two-core spatial structure model and its application in the research of world geography

  3. 与之相应,世界地理的研究范式,也应该向着更为开放、更为兼容化的方向改进。

    Correspondingly , the range of world geographical study should also improve toward being more open and more compatible .

  4. 本文从理论上探讨世界经济地理研究的依据和体系,指出现行教材编写存在的问题,提出编写的新建议。

    This paper is a theoretical inquiry into the basis and system in the study of the world economic geography , pointing out the problems in the current textbook in this field and putting forward suggestions to improve it .