
  • 网络World tourism;World Travel;world tour
  1. 据世界旅游及旅行理事会(WTTC)称,预计印度旅游观光业今年的增幅将达到8.4%,2007年至2016年间,将以每年8%的速度增长。

    India 's travel and tourism industry is expected to grow 8.4 per cent this year and 8 per cent annually between 2007 and 2016 , according to the World Travel and Tourism Council .

  2. 世界旅游业理事会(WTTC)的数据显示,2015年中国游客在中国内地以外地区的消费额达2150亿美元,较2014年的1400亿美元增长了53%。

    Chinese tourists spent $ 215bn outside mainland China in 2015 , according to figures from the World Travel & Tourism Council , a 53 per cent rise from the $ 140bn spent in 2014 .

  3. 中国加入WTO,使中国旅游市场融入世界旅游市场的竞争之中,并且进入世界旅游大国行列,将会成为世界第一大旅游目的地国。

    Along with the accessing to WTO , China has been participated in the competition of the world , and going to be the biggest tourism market .

  4. 联合国世界旅游组织(UnitedNationsWorldTourismOrganization)的最近数据显示,中国游客2012年出境游支出跃居全球首位,达到1020亿美元,较2011年增加40%。

    Chinese tourists became the world 's biggest travel spenders in 2012 , when outlays on outbound travel swelled to $ 102 billion , up 40 % from 2011 , according to the most recent annual figures from the United Nations World Tourism Organization .

  5. 中国加入WTO使中国的旅游市场融入世界旅游市场竞争当中,这就要求我们更要积极研究旅游市场营销,把现代先进的旅游市场营销理念引进中国旅游事业。

    The Chinese tourism market has participated into the worldwide competition since China entered into WTO that asked for us to research marketing of tourism actively and to import modern advanced marketing ideas of how to promote the market of tourism into china .

  6. 根据联合国世界旅游组织(WorldTourismOrganization)的一份新报告,2012年,在旅游消费收入上,西班牙位居全球第二,欧洲以外的游客在这个国家消费了11亿美元。

    Spain ranked second in the world in 2012 for revenue from tourism spending , according to a new report from the UN 's World Tourism Organization , with $ 1.1 billion spent on shopping in the country by visitors from outside the E.U. And Madrid and Barcelona were tied for second , behind London ,

  7. 在2003年世界旅游组织专家编制的《黑龙江省旅游发展总体规划》OKL旅游总体框架中,佳木斯地区是一个重要的环节,有着不可或缺的地位。

    Heilongjiang Provincial tourism development overall plan establishmented by World Tourism Organization in 2003 , in which the Jiamusi region is an important link and at vital position .

  8. 据世界旅游理事会(WTTC)统计,旅游业已超过了汽车业、钢铁业、电子业和农业成为了世界上最大的行业。

    According to the world travel and Tourism Council ( WTTC ) statistics , tourism industry has already exceeded the automobile industry , steel industry , electronic industry and agriculture has become the largest industry in the world .

  9. 世界旅游和汽车组织导游在催大家上车。

    The tour guide was urging everyone to board the bus .

  10. 世界旅游饭店教育名校之美国篇

    World Famous Colleges for Tourism Hotel Education in the United States

  11. 世界旅游船市场现状及其展望

    The current situation and prospect of world luxury cruise ship market

  12. 论实现世界旅游强国的人才建设

    On Professional-Building and Becoming a Strong Tourism Country in the World

  13. 中国走向世界旅游强国之路

    A Way for China to Become a World-power in Tourism

  14. 黄龙已经是世界旅游的一颗耀眼明珠。

    Huanglong has become a hot spot of tourism in the world .

  15. 世界旅游新发展和旅游基本法建设

    New Development in World Tourism and Basic Laws Construction

  16. 辏篧TO&为世界旅游业提供了20年的服务。

    WTO : serving world tourism for twenty years .

  17. 21世纪将是世界旅游业长盛不衰的鼎盛时期。

    The 21st century should be the prime time for world tourism industry .

  18. 由于世界旅游业的增加,国家间必须互相学习。

    As world travel increases , nation have to learn from each other .

  19. 世界旅游将进入无国境旅游时代。

    The world tourism will enter a " no frontier tourism era " .

  20. 世界旅游业发展面临的来自行业环境的新挑战

    Challenges of the world Tourism Development from its Environment

  21. 立足国内武术文化素质拓展与面向世界旅游市场相结合;

    Combine the Wushu culture quality development with the facing the world traveling market ;

  22. 生态旅游成为世界旅游发展方向。

    Ecological tourism has been becoming one of the developing direction of world tourism .

  23. 第二节:世界旅游业的冲击

    Section 2 : the impact of global tourism

  24. 联合国与世界旅游组织合作和关系协定

    Agreement on Cooperation and Relationship between the United Nations and the World Tourism Organization

  25. 70年代以来,世界旅游业增长速度位居各产业之首。

    Since the 1970s , the world tourism growth rate in every industry list .

  26. 海洋旅游是世界旅游的热点。

    Coastal and marine tourism is the hotspot of the tourism in the world .

  27. 世界旅游发展:2005年回顾和2006年预测

    On the Development of Global Tourism : 2005 in Retrospect and 2006 's Prediction

  28. 邮轮经济已经成为世界旅游经济增长最快的领域。

    The cruise industry has become one of the robust growth engines of world tourism .

  29. 世界旅游职业训练协会

    World Association for Professional Training in Tourism

  30. 主题公园是现代旅游业中成长较快的一种现代旅游资源,被世界旅游组织称为当前乃至未来世界旅游发展的三大趋势之一,是后工业时代发展起来的一项综合性旅游项目。

    The theme park is a kind of modern tour resources in modern tourism industry .