
jiāo tōnɡ yùn shū bù jú
  • Transportation layout;allocation of communications and transportation
  1. 交通运输布局与港站设置

    Transportation and Port , Station Design

  2. 进行交通运输结构、布局及政策一体化研究。

    Study the integration of transportation structure , distribution and policy .

  3. 十一五期间东北综合交通运输发展战略布局研究

    The research of the development and strategic layout of the Northeast district integrative traffic transportation in the period of " 11 th five-year plan "

  4. 从石家庄的地形、地貌及气候条件出发,分析了石家庄市大气污染状况,认为产生大气污染的原因在于燃料燃烧、工业生产、交通运输、工业布局等方面;

    This article describes the landform , physiognomy , climate and air pollution in Shijiazhuang , the latter of which is due to the fuel burning , traffics and industry .