
jiāo huò tiáo jiàn
  • Delivery conditions;delivery terms;delivered conditions
  1. 还派最好的成本和交货条件提供。

    Also send best cost & delivery terms offer .

  2. 运输保险由我们取得,如果根据所约定的交货条件(适用最近的《国际贸易术语解释通则》)我们有义务承担该等保险。

    The transport insurance will be obtained by us to the extent we are obligated to do so pursuant to the agreed upon delivery terms ( most recent Incoterms ) .

  3. 在FOB或工厂交货条件下,货物装运后由买方负责投保。

    In the case of fob or ex - work term , Insurance be to be effect by the buyer after loading .

  4. 不确定交货条件的供应链协调对策研究

    The Research of game about supply chain coordination with uncertain delivery

  5. 不确定交货条件下两供应商&单制造商协同供货研究

    Supply Coordination on Two-Suppliers and One-Manufacturer System with Uncertain Delivery

  6. 就平均价格和高价及交货条件进行谈判。

    Negotiates middle and major price deals and delivery conditions .

  7. 通过海关后交货条件

    Bad delivery of securities duty paid terms

  8. 报价:报价只包括表中所指定的商品数量与交货条件。

    PRICES QUOTED : The prices quoted cover only the quantity and the delivery schedules specified .

  9. 如果没有特别指明贸易术语,交货条件应采用工厂交货。

    If no trade term is specifically agreed , the delivery shall be Ex works ( EXW ) .

  10. 分析市场,交货条件并制定物料采购策略,提交市场分析报告。

    Analyzes market and delivery conditions to determine present and future material availability and prepares market analysis reports .

  11. 既然您选择船上交货条件,那你们买方要租船订舱。

    Since you take delivery under for terms , your buyers are to charter a ship and book the shipping space .

  12. 如果供应商>供应商是根据其交货条件或标准>标准条款来签订各个协议的,那么上述条件和条例也应适用。

    These shall also apply if the supplier bases the individual agreement on his terms of delivery or standard terms and conditions .

  13. 3各签署方同意,只能根据竞争价格、质量和交货条件购买本协定所涵盖产品。

    4.3 Signatories agree that the purchase of products covered by this Agreement should be made only on a competitive price , quality and delivery basis .

  14. 根据本钢叶片钢企业标准,介绍了钢的牌号、采用的试验方法和交货条件。

    The foundation for drawing-up Ben Gang standard of blade steel , steel trade mark , specification test method and delivery condition are introduced in this paper .

  15. 锰铁。锰铁硅和锰。交货技术条件。

    Ferromanganese , Ferromanganese-Silicon and Manganese ; Technical Conditions of Delivery .

  16. 对《煤矿重要用途钢丝绳交货技术条件》的思考

    Thinking of Technical Conditions of Delivery of Colliery Wire Rope with Important Uses

  17. 我以本星期交货为条件签订了合同。

    I signed the contract on the understanding that delivery woidd be this week .

  18. EN10083-1:1996特殊钢交货技术条件

    Technology condition for EN 10083-1:1996 special steel delivery

  19. 玻璃纤维织物。电气用玻璃纤维织物。交货技术条件。

    Textile glass ; textile glass fabrics for electrical purposes , technical delivery specifications .

  20. GB/T9711.1-1997石油天然气工业输送钢管交货技术条件第1部分:A级钢管

    Petroleum and natural gas industries Steel pipe for pipelines Technical delivery conditions Part 1 : Pipes of requirements class A

  21. 我们以能比我们的竞争对手早一周交货的条件成交。

    We were able to chinch the deal by offering to deliver the goods a week earlier than our competitors .

  22. 主要研究在商品仓库容量有限和交货时间为随机条件下的存贮管理问题。

    This paper studies the store management problem on the conditions of limited warehouse capacity and stochastic delivery time .

  23. 请贵公司说明最早的交货期,付款条件,定期购买的折扣。

    Will you please state your earliest delivery date , your terms of payment , and discounts for regular purchases ?

  24. 当迅速交货作为销售的条件时,公司更有可能选择靠近市场的场所,这样可以在消费者附近。

    When rapid delivery is a condition of sales , companies are more likely to select market-oriented locations , that is to locate near consumers .

  25. 如果您有兴趣,请回复我们,我们会给您发送完整报价单,内容包括价格、最小起订量、包装、交货时间、付款条件等。

    Please reply us if you are interested so we can send you our complete quotation which includes prices , MOQ , packaging , delivery time , Payment terms etc.

  26. 用户选择了供应商以后,就可以发出订单,与供方签订供货合同,明确所需产品的规格、数量、交货期、保修条件、结算方式等等。

    After selecting out the supplier , the user can make an order and contract with supplier on product specs , amount , delivery , warranty and method of settlement .