
  • 网络interactive whiteboard;Interactive Whiteboards;IWB;Interactive white board
  1. 在整个交互式电子白板系统中,软件系统是极其重要的组成部分。

    The software system is an extremely important part of the interactive whiteboard system .

  2. 目前我公司主要致力于交互式电子白板的研究、设计与生产。

    My company is currently focused on the interactive whiteboard in research , design and production .

  3. 人机交互式电子白板中坐标转换算法研究

    Arithmetic Study of Coordinates Conversation in Human-computer Interaction Whiteboard System

  4. 交互式电子白板:课堂教学创新的新平台

    Interactive Electronic Whiteboard : Creative Flat of New Classroom Instruction

  5. 交互式电子白板在医学影像学教学中的应用探讨

    Application of Interactive Electronic Whiteboard in Medical Imageology Teaching

  6. 年产5000台无线定位交互式电子白板项目可行性研究

    Feasibility Study on a Project-Producing 5000 Interactive Wireless Orientation Electronic Whiteboards a Year

  7. 基于光学信息处理的交互式电子白板

    Interactive electronic whiteboard based on optical information processing

  8. 希望能给交互式电子白板的初识者提供一些可参考的建议。

    Hoping to give the interactive electronic white board meeting to provide some referential suggestions .

  9. 交互式电子白板的应用及前景

    Application and Foreground about Alternation Electric Whiteboard

  10. 当今,课堂教学正在经历从传统黑板到交互式电子白板演变过程。

    Today , classroom teaching is experiencing from the traditional blackboard to the interactive electronic whiteboard evolution .

  11. 交互式电子白板作为一种新兴的教学媒体,正在改变着我们课堂教学,改变着教师的教和学生的学。

    Interactive whiteboard as a new teaching media is changing our teaching , changing the teachers teach and students learning .

  12. 第二章白板简介及功能,介绍了电子白板及适用于小学数学课堂的交互式电子白板的功能介绍。

    Introduction and whiteboard function , introduced whiteboard and apply to elementary school mathematics classroom interactive whiteboard functionality introduced . 3 .

  13. 交互式电子白板已经在世界各地得到了广泛应用,特别是在英国取得越来越大的成功。

    Interactive electronic whiteboard has around the world has been widely used , especially in the UK has more and more success .

  14. 信息技术的发展为课堂教学环境带来了改变,交互式电子白板被越来越多的应用于课堂教学中。

    Information technology has changed teaching and learning environment of classroom , and interactive whiteboard has been more and more used in classroom teaching .

  15. 本文将介绍交互式电子白板构成和系统运用的基础上,分析了它的主要功能及其在课堂教学中的优势。

    This article will introduce the interactive electronic whiteboard component and system based on application , analysis of its main function and advantage in the classroom teaching .

  16. 本课题的研究将现代教育技术与传统理论相结合,提出了以学生为本的基于交互式电子白板的多媒体课件的开发以及设计策略。

    This topic research combining modern education and the traditional theory , put forward he development and design strategy on multimedia of interactive electronic whiteboard basing on the students .

  17. 本文在详细阐述基于电磁感应技术的交互式电子白板系统工作原理的基础上,对系统中坐标转换程序与交互式电子白板应用软件进行着重介绍。

    This paper focuses on introducing the coordinate conversion process and application software of interactive smart board on the basis of introducing the principle of electromagnetic-inducted smart board system .

  18. 交互式电子白板的可视化技术、模式识别技术以及计算机的自动处理功能与工程师的实践经验和创造性思维的结合,必将使铁路线路设计的工作效率和质量得到进一步提高。

    The combination of visualized technology , pattern recognition technology , automatic processing ability of computers , and creative thinking and experience of designers will make railway location design more efficient .

  19. 随着现代化和信息化建设的不断推进,交互式电子白板被广泛应用于教学、培训、会议以及演示中。

    With unceasing advancement of modernization and informationization , the interactive electronic whiteboard is widely applied in the teaching , training , the conference , as well as in the demonstration .

  20. 可以预见,未来课堂教学将会以交互式电子白板为主流技术从而替代传统黑板的课堂教学,它将快速推动学校教学信息化进程。

    Predictably , classroom instruction will be in the future of interactive electronic whiteboard is the mainstream technology instead of the traditional blackboard classroom teaching , it will promote the school teaching information process .

  21. 交互式电子白板是本世纪国际上推出的一款崭新的、功能强大的现代化教学工具,它既具有现代多媒体教学的特点,又融合了传统黑板教学手段的优势。

    Interactive electronic whiteboard is the introduction of a new , powerful tools of modern education , it not only has the modern multimedia teaching characteristics , and the integration of traditional blackboard teaching advantages .

  22. 首先了解交互式电子白板应用状况,并提出本课题所要研究的问题,通过研究提出设想,并经过实践分析,最后得出结论。

    First of all , understand the applications of the interactive whiteboard , and put forward the issue to work on the problem , propose ideas through research and analysis through practice , the final conclusion .

  23. 交互式电子白板系统这一新的教学媒体,拥有很多多媒体课堂教学不具有的功能,能有效克服上述不足,显著提高教学质量。

    The interactive electronic board system , a new teaching media , owns a lot of functions which the traditional multimedia classroom lacks , can overcome the shortcomings listed above , and improve the teaching quality remarkably .

  24. 基于双重编码理论和双轨教学模式的电子双板实现了交互式电子白板和传统黑板的完美融合,逐渐成为一种新型的信息化教学环境走入人们的视线。

    The electronic dual-board which based on the dual-code theory and dual-teaching mode makes the perfect combination of interactive whiteboard and traditional blackboard , gradually becomes acknowledged by people as a new kind of informational instruction environment .

  25. 交互式电子白板有很强的交互功能,能够提高学生的课堂参与度,帮助教师更好地了解学生的学习情况,从而实现课堂生成性教学。

    Interactive electronic whiteboard has a very strong interactive function , which can enhance the students ' class participation , and help the teacher to know the student learning well , so as to realize the classroom generative teaching .

  26. 并讨论了增大电子白板尺寸对系统性能参数的影响,进而验证了本文设计的交互式电子白板系统在不增加成本的情况下,完全可以实现超大屏幕显示功能。

    The effect of increasing electronic whiteboard size to system performances is discussed , then it is confirmed that the electronic whiteboard system of this thesis can definitely achieve large-screen display function in the case of no additional cost .

  27. 交互式电子白板凭借其丰富的学习资源,方便快捷的操作步骤,多姿多彩的教学方式和安全环保节能的领先优势,顺应了时代发展的潮流,现已逐步成为社会上研究的热点。

    Interactive smart board goes with the trend of times with its affluent learning resources , convenient operating processes , various teaching patterns and safe , environmental-friendly and energy-efficient advantages , gradually becoming the hot spot of social research .

  28. 露西并非唯一坦承心存这种渴望的人:我发现,在度过一段整天对着交互式电子白板的职业生涯之后,许多记者有这种渴望,并希望自己可以像我一样勇敢。

    Lucy was not the only one to confess such yearnings : quite a few journalists , I discovered , hankered after a life in front of an interactive white board and wished they could be as brave as me .

  29. 交互式电子白板作为未来课堂辅助教学的工具之一,有效整合各种教学资源,具有丰富的材料呈现方式,能够激发学生的学习兴趣,提高学生的注意力。

    Interactive electronic whiteboard , as one of the auxiliary teaching tools for future classroom teaching , integrating kinds of teaching resources effectively , processing abundance of material presentation mode , is capable of stimulate students ' interest and improve the attention .

  30. 总结交互式电子白板在地理教学应用中的几个问题并提出解决方案,对电子白板在高中地理教学中的应用及技术的发展有一定的指导意义。

    Geographic classes that suited for using of interactive whiteboard were summarized in practice . 4 . Important problems of interactive whiteboard on the application of geography teaching in high school were summarized and resolved , which will guide for the development of whiteboard technology .