
  1. 在俄勒冈州的波特兰市,有五家门店的连锁美发沙龙TheModernMan可提供来自当地供应商的啤酒与波旁威士忌。

    The Modern Man , a chain of five salons in Portland , Ore. , offers beer and bourbon from local purveyors .

  2. 中心还有一个装备齐全的SPA馆和美发沙龙。

    There is a fully fitted-out spa and a hairdressing salon .

  3. 当问及是否想上大学&进入许多亚洲家庭心中的神圣殿堂,年轻的理发师Noel回答说他宁愿去开家美发沙龙。

    Asked whether he wants to go to university , the holy grail of most Asian families , a young barber called Noel replies that he would rather open a hairdressing salon .

  4. 公寓位于一家美发沙龙楼上,家具不多,但看上去十分完美:白色的地砖,时髦的绿色沙发,玻璃茶几,一张办公桌上放着一台大电视,是三洋(sanyo)牌的。

    They shared a two-bedroom apartment above a hair salon . The flat was sparsely furnished but immaculate , with a white tile floor , a modern green couch , a glass coffee table and a giant Sanyo television placed on top of an office desk .

  5. 美发沙龙中的聊天本身就是一种独特的语言现象。

    Hair salon chatter is a unique linguistic phenomenon in itself .

  6. 这里是顾客的天堂:有美发沙龙帮您打扮头发;

    There are salons where people can get their hair done .

  7. 我们小区新开了一家美发沙龙。

    A hair salon was just opened in our neighborhood .

  8. 你有家美发沙龙,而你却是秃头。

    You own a hair salon and you 're bald .

  9. 布莱恩:真的吗?我很久没光顾过美发沙龙了。

    Brian : Really ? I haven 't been to the salon for ages .

  10. 也许还包含了一间美发沙龙。

    It might include a hairdressing salon .

  11. 你不能就这样撤资就好像对待不景气的美发沙龙

    You can 't just pull the plug on us , like some underperforming hairdressing salon .

  12. 费欧娜在一间美发沙龙里,她正在和她的发型设计师杰拉德说话。

    Fiona is at the hair salon . She is talking to her hair stylist , Gerrard .

  13. 美发沙龙昼夜不停地工作,并多招人手来应对美发和美容需求。

    Hair salons are working around the clock with additional staff to meet hair and makeup requests .

  14. 我认为泰国的美发沙龙做起来的效果跟美国那边的一样漂亮。

    I think Thailand has salons that can perm hair just as beautiful as those in America .

  15. 她援引自己2009年在一家美发沙龙进行的研究作为例证。

    As an example , she points to a study she conducted in a hair salon in 2009 .

  16. 美发沙龙应用程序里的顾客有男有女,还有一些性别模糊的人。

    The clients in the hair salon app are male and female with a few whose gender appears ambiguous .

  17. 伙计们,如果要听揭短吵架,我就去我的美发沙龙了。

    Guys , if I wanted to hear people be bitchy , I 'd go to my real salon .

  18. 最初得到丈夫的建议之后,她的时尚美发沙龙就开始为老爸和他们的女儿们开办这个活动。

    Her Envogue salon has been hosting the event for dads and their little girls since Huebl-Bodilis 's husband suggested it .

  19. 在柜台购买染料,自己在家里染发或者去美发沙龙。

    Dye it with an over-the-counter product you can use at home , or man up and head to a salon .

  20. 位于伦敦西南郊伍斯特帕尔克的金合欢美容美发沙龙正在寻找学徒。

    THE Acacia Hair and Beauty Salon in Worcester Park , a suburb in south-west London , is looking for an apprentice .

  21. 为了探讨对衰老的预期与健康的生理体征之间的这种关系,兰格和她的同事们设计了一项在美发沙龙进行的研究。

    To explore this relationship between expectations of aging and physiological signs of health , Langer and her colleagues designed the hair-salon study .

  22. 是的,从节俭的角度来说这是明智的,因为你可以省下去正规美发沙龙里染发的昂贵费用。

    Yes , it 's economically wise because you can save from expensive process that is being offered in a regular hair salon .

  23. 硅谷众公司纷纷表示,新园区应该建有寿司店,美发沙龙以吸引并留住顶尖人才。

    And Silicon Valley companies say extraordinary campuses with sushi bars and hair salons are a necessity to recruit and retain top talent .

  24. 在这座196英尺高的城堡内,有观赏点,一家餐桌服务型餐厅,甚至还为小公主们准备了美发沙龙。

    Inside the 196 feet castle , there will be attractions , a table service restaurant and even a hair salon for little princesses .

  25. 但他们不仅是去买便宜衣服,他们还以半价的待遇预约美发沙龙和水疗。

    But they aren 't just going for clothes bargains – they are also booking in at hair salons and spas for half price treatments .

  26. 在一次子女监护权纠纷中,斯科特•狄克拉伊,41岁,走进一家拥挤的美发沙龙向其前妻开枪。

    Amid a child custody dispute , Scott Dekraai , 41 , walks into a crowded hair salon and opens fire on his former wife .

  27. 多亏他们的“前卫”设计,他们的展区就像个80年代的美发沙龙与废料场的合体。

    Thanks to their cutting edge design sense , they conceived of a booth that looked like a cross between a1980 's hair salon and a scrap yard .

  28. 大部分自己动手剪发的女人剪完后都对发型极其不满,而且会到附近的美发沙龙想办法补救这个重大的错误。

    Most of the women who did try it were never satisfied after and they would run to a nearby salon to save their hair from a big fiasco .

  29. 实际上,的确很难坦白说,比如你花了70美元去一家美发沙龙做头发,而你老公在理发店只花了22美元。

    Indeed , it can be difficult to own up to , say , a $ 70 haircut at a chic salon when your husband shells out just $ 22 at the barber .

  30. 他们让研究助理们去接触来美发沙龙剪发、染发或者先剪后染的47名女性(其年龄从27岁到83岁不等),并记录下她们的血压读数。

    They had research assistants approach 47 women , ranging in age from 27 to 83 , who were about to have their hair cut , colored or both . They took blood-pressure readings .