
  • 网络US news;American News;The United States News;USnews
  1. 美国新闻媒体将对该审判进行追踪报道。

    The US news media will cover the trial closely .

  2. 不妨看看《美国新闻与世界报道》(USNews&WorldReport)声名狼藉的大学排名。

    Look no further than the notorious US News & World Report rankings for guidance .

  3. 政治新闻已成为美国新闻报道的主要内容。

    Political reporting has become a staple of American journalism .

  4. 本文作者为《美国新闻与世界报道》(usnews&worldreport)主编、波士顿地产(bostonproperties)董事长、首席执行官和联合创始人

    The writer is editor-in-chief of US News & World Report and chairman , chief executive and co-founder of Boston properties

  5. CNN在那里最后的美国新闻调查局,已经在5月份关闭。

    The last American news bureau there , CNN 's , closed in May .

  6. 去年的9月份,美国新闻周刊调查了前百强公司CEO的教育背景。

    Last November , U.S. News took a look at the backgrounds of the CEOs of the top 100 companies on Fortune 's list .

  7. 美国新闻业也有自己的丑闻,例如斯蒂芬•格拉斯(StephenGlass)一案,此人在编造一系列的假文章后被《TheNewRepublic》解雇。

    And American journalism has also had its scandals - such as the case of Stephen Glass , who was fired from The New Republic for a series of fictitious articles .

  8. 美国新闻门户网站TheInformation近日援引知情人士消息称,谷歌公司正与中国第二大在线游戏提供商网易公司磋商,欲将谷歌旗下的移动应用商店谷歌Play引入中国大陆。

    Google Inc is in discussions with NetEase Inc , China 's second-largest online games provider , to bring its Google Play mobile app store to the Chinese mainland , according to The Information , a US news portal , which cited people familiar with the matter .

  9. 高校记分卡上的第一名是麻省医药与健康科学学院(MassachusettsCollegeofPharmacyandHealthSciences,《美国新闻》甚至没有收录这所大学),该校毕业生的年平均收入是11.64万美元。

    The No. 1 school on Scorecard is MCPHS University , whose graduates earn , on average , $ 116400 . ( MCPHS stands for Massachusetts College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences , which is not even ranked by U.S. News . )

  10. 扎克?惠特克是美国新闻网站ZDNet的一名安全编辑,他在分析iPhone应用发送至广告商的信息时,偶然发现了这则招聘广告。

    Zack Whittaker , security editor for US news site ZDNet , stumbled on the advert when he was analysing information sent from iPhone apps to advertisers .

  11. 在美国新闻社交网站Reddit的一个帖子里,数百名心有不满的旅行者点名批评了一些度假地点。他们后悔将自己的宝贵假期浪费在了这些地方。

    In a Reddit post , hundreds of disgruntled travellers named and shamed the vacation spots that they regretted wasting valuable holiday time on .

  12. facebook上的链接,目前为美国新闻博客huffingtonpost提供了19%的访问量,同时还是八卦网站perezhilton流量的首要驱动力。

    Links on Facebook are now responsible for 19 per cent of visits to Huffington Post , the US News blog , and are also the number one driver of traffic to the Perez Hilton gossip website .

  13. 《美国新闻和世界报道》(USNWR)从1983年开始提供美国大学的(排名)信息。

    The US News and World Report ( USNWR ) began providing information about US universities in1983 .

  14. 据美国新闻聚合类网站BuzzFeed报道,过去两周,虽然#晒工资#一直高居社交媒体话题榜,但是大部分网友只是参与讨论,真正晒工资的人却少之又少。

    Although \# talkpay has become a trending topic on social media for the past two weeks , most of the posts using the hashtag were simply taking part in the discussion , and did not reveal actual salaries , according to BuzzFeed .

  15. 美国新闻式电视批评在媒介体系中的权力角色

    Journalism Television Criticism : Power Role in Media System of America

  16. 《美国新闻与世界报道》2000年涉华报道透视

    Observation on China-related Reports in US News & World Report of 2000

  17. 凯利说,《美国新闻》正在研究这些“反常现象”。

    Mr. Kelly said U.S. News was examining these " anomalies . "

  18. 美国新闻杂志中的中国形象分析

    The Image of China in the U.S. News Magazines : An Analysis

  19. 黄色新闻起源于19世纪90年代的美国新闻界。

    The yellow journalism origins from 19th century 90 's American journalistic circles .

  20. 美国新闻教育评估体系对我国的启示及建议

    Implications to China from the US Accreditation System of Journalism and Communication Education

  21. 对美国新闻教育职业化的思考

    Thoughts on Professional Orientation of Journalism Education in US

  22. 你对美国新闻界人士透露了你的档案材料。

    You disclosed your documentary evidence to American newspapermen .

  23. 这对于常常看美国新闻漫画的人来说是不会搞错的。

    Bush , as is unmistakable for anyone who follows Oliphant 's cartoons .

  24. 美国新闻史中的失实新闻

    The False News in the History of American Press

  25. 美国新闻报道的平民化趋势&对亲近性新闻的解读

    The Developing Trend of American News Reporting : A Study on Intimate Journalism

  26. 《美国新闻》每年会退出男友和女友排名。

    Every year , US News puts out rankings of boyfriends and girlfriends .

  27. 美国新闻业正处于低潮期。

    These are hard times for journalism in America .

  28. 从媒介中心观看美国新闻史研究

    A Study in American Media History from Mediocentric

  29. 对近十年美国新闻教育新特征的探析

    A Probe into the New Characteristics of American Journalism Education in the Recent Decade

  30. 美国新闻教育改革的经典个案(上)&对美国哥伦比亚大学新闻学院的调研报告

    A Classical Case of American Journalism Education Reform