
  • 网络National Park;US National Parks
  1. 美国国家公园的法律基础

    Legislative Foundation of National Park in the United States of American

  2. 美国国家公园体系的发展历程及其经验教训

    Evolution And Experience of the National Park System of the United States

  3. 美国国家公园规划体系概述

    A Survey on the Planning System of the American National Parks

  4. 中国风景名胜区与美国国家公园比较研究

    Comparision between China 's Scenic Spots and US National Parks

  5. 中国风景名胜区和美国国家公园开发与保护比较

    Comparison of National Parks between America and China in Development and Protection

  6. 浅析美国国家公园管理经验对我国世界地质公园的启示

    Revelation of the Management Experiences of National Parks in the United States

  7. 创建荒野:印第安人的移徙与美国国家公园

    Creating Wilderness : Indian Removal and America 's National Parks

  8. 美国国家公园制度现状研究与思考

    The Research and Thoughts on the United States ' National Park System

  9. 美国国家公园系统发展及旅游服务研究

    Study on US National Park System Development and Tourism Service

  10. 美国国家公园:起源、性质和功能

    The National Park in the United States Its Origin , Nature and Functions

  11. 美国国家公园申报准则及审议程序

    Application requirements and deliberation procedure for cadidates of National Park in the United States

  12. 美国国家公园运动和国家公园系统的发展历程

    National Park Movement and Evolution of the National Park System in the United States

  13. 美国国家公园的秋色

    Autumn Colors in The US National Parks

  14. 美国国家公园体系的管理经验&兼谈对中国风景名胜区的启示

    Management Experience of American National Park System

  15. 美国国家公园体系及其资源标准和评审程序

    National Park System of USA and Its Resource Criteria and the Procedure of Appraisement and Authorization

  16. 2016年,美国国家公园服务中心将迎来第100周年纪念日。

    The National Park Service in the United States will mark its one hundredth in twenty-sixteen .

  17. 旅游发展价值取向与制度变革:美国国家公园体系的启示

    Value orientation of tourism development and institutional innovation : inspiration from the National Park System in us

  18. 美国国家公园系统保护区规模的变化特征及其原因分析

    The Reserve Area of the National Park System in the United States , Its Scale Variation and Affection Factors

  19. 他的文章和演讲唤起了对环境保护重要性的认识,促进了美国国家公园体系的诞生。

    His writing and speaking raised awareness of the importance of conversationtion and helped bring about our national park system .

  20. 大多数去美国国家公园的游客很少离开自己的汽车或旅行车几码以上。

    Most visitors to america 's national parks rarely stray more than a few yards from their cars or tour buses .

  21. 定点跳伞在美国国家公园是被禁止的,但是在瑞士,它日益受到欢迎,尽管它具有一定的危险性。

    Base jumping is banned in US national parks , but in Switzerland , its a growing sport despite the risks .

  22. 峡谷是独一无二的美国国家公园,它是完全由纳瓦霍部落信任土地,仍然是一个纳瓦霍人社区。

    S.national parks & it is composed entirely of Navajo Tribal Trust Land , which remains home to a Navajo community .

  23. 美国国家公园的管理对我国地质遗迹保护区管理体制建设的启示

    Discussion on some enlightenment from the management of american 's National Park for our management system construction of geological traces protection zone

  24. 遗产区域管理规划是美国国家公园管理局要求每一个国家遗产区域在获得提名的三年内所必须完成的一项重要工作。

    National Heritage Area Management plan is a basic work required by the National Park Service to all proposed national heritage areas .

  25. 所以这个星期,我正式认定石墙国家纪念碑成为美国国家公园系统的最新成员。

    So this week , I 'm designating the Stonewall National Monument as the newest addition to America 's national parks system .

  26. 这是由于联邦预算纠纷造成包括美国国家公园服务设施等在内的部分联邦机构被关闭的结果。

    That is when disputes over the federal budget prompted a partial shutdown of federal agencies , including the National Park Service .

  27. 而经过100多年的发展,美国国家公园在管理方面有着十分科学务实的机构和完善的管理体系。

    After one hundred years development , America has extremely scientific and practical organizations and perfect management system in management of national park .

  28. 美国国家公园在建立初期的管理中,对大自然的科学规律缺乏认识;

    The complex science that governs the natural world was poorly understood when the first national parks were created in the United States .

  29. 露营或是住在便宜的公园客栈里,听美国国家公园管理处提供的课程。

    Camp for a nominal fee , or stay in an inexpensive park cabin and take classes offered by the US Park Service .

  30. 国家公园管理处发言人凯西?库帕称美国国家公园的黄金时代陪伴着美国整整几代人的成长。

    Park Service spokeswoman Kathy Kupper says whole generations of Americans came of age during the golden age of america 's national parks .