
  • 网络aesthetic value
  1. 檀香紫檀木材构造特点及其美学价值的研究

    Study on Wood Structural Features and Aesthetic Value of Red Sanders

  2. 写作或重视美学价值胜于内容的。

    Written and regarded for aesthetic value rather than content .

  3. 蓝宝石(英文:Sapphire)是世界上公认的四大名贵宝石(钻石、红宝石、蓝宝石和祖母绿)之一,具有很高的美学价值和经济价值。

    Sapphire is one of the 4 most famous gemstones all over the world ( including diamond , ruby , sapphire and emerald ) . It has high value of aesthetics and economy .

  4. 生物学的美学价值及美育探讨

    The Discussion of both Aesthetics Value and Aesthetic Education about Biology

  5. 进而引申出现代人们佩玉的美学价值和社会价值。

    It shows the aesthetic and social value of wearing jade .

  6. 一味的追求结构上的合理性,而无暇兼顾其本身的美学价值。

    They only pursue the structure rationality but ignore the aesthetic value .

  7. 国标舞的美学价值与高校体育舞蹈课教学

    The aesthetic value and teaching of International Standard in colleges

  8. 谈英语语言的美学价值及欣赏

    On the Aesthetic Value and Appreciation of the English Language

  9. 苗族服饰的美学价值

    The Aesthetic Value of Dress Adornment of the Miao Minority

  10. 第二章阐述文学作品的模糊性及其美学价值。

    Chapter two illustrates fuzziness and its aesthetic values in literary works .

  11. 叛逆形象:文化冲突与美学价值的结晶&现代文学家的描写主题

    Treachery Image : Cultural Conflict and the Crystal of the Aesthetical Value

  12. 隐喻:文体色彩和美学价值之思考

    Reflection on the Stylistic Flavor and Aesthetic Value of Metaphor

  13. 化石收藏更多是出于科学或美学价值,而不是金钱价值。

    Fossils are collected more for science or aesthetics than monetary value .

  14. 试论中国建筑的实用及美学价值&山海关古城保护开发项目策划研究

    Discussion on Practical and Aesthetical Value of China 's Architecture

  15. 关于对数螺线美学价值之研究

    The aesthetical value of unchanged nature of logarithm spirals

  16. 斗栱的美学价值及装饰功能

    Aesthetic values and decorative functions of ' dougong '

  17. 浅谈体育舞蹈的美学价值

    Simple Discussion on the Aesthetic Values in Sport Dance

  18. 美的理念与终极价值&柏拉图的美学价值论

    The Idea of Beauty and Ultimate Value & The Aesthetic Axiology of Plato

  19. 水域景观美学价值评价理论研究

    A study of the evaluation theory of aesthetical value of water area landscape

  20. 《尤利西斯》是一部极具美学价值的小说。

    Ulysses is a novel of enormous aesthetic value .

  21. 对英汉比喻美学价值的思考

    Thought on aesthetic value between Chinese and English metaphors

  22. 高层建筑美学价值研究

    Study on Aesthetic Value of High - Rise Building

  23. 试论中国传统健康观及其美学价值

    On Chinese Traditional Health Concept and Aesthetic Value

  24. 电视新闻形式的美学价值

    Analysis on the Aesthetic Value of TV-news Pattern

  25. 诗歌欣赏具有三大美学价值赋予生活激情;

    Appreciation of poetry is of 3 aesthetics values : pouring passion into life ;

  26. 论科学理性美的内在特征及其美学价值

    On the Aesthetical Value of the Scientific Theory

  27. 第五部分讨论《邪恶的躯体》中的反讽艺术的美学价值。

    The fifth part discusses the aesthetic value of ironical art in Vile Bodies .

  28. 第三部分是诗歌美学价值的研究。

    The third part studies the poetic aesthetics .

  29. 巴洛克音乐创作的美学价值

    The Aesthetic Value of Baroque Music Creation

  30. 蒙古族民间音乐具有较高的美学价值。

    Mongolian music itself has aesthetic values .