
zhǎng guǎn
  • be in charge of;administer;shopkeeper;take control of;take charge;control;rein
掌管 [zhǎng guǎn]
  • (1) [be in charge of]∶负责管理

  • 掌管总务

  • (2) [shopkeeper]∶指店中的掌柜或主事人

掌管[zhǎng guǎn]
  1. 我不能再掌管你的健康问题了

    I cannot be in charge of your care .

  2. 我会在五年内掌管这家公司。

    A : I will be in charge of this company in five years .

  3. 她负责掌管日常业务。

    She has charge of the day-to-day running of the business .

  4. 她起初只是一个秘书,但最后掌管起了整个部门。

    She started as a secretary but ended up running the department .

  5. 他21岁就掌管了公司。

    By the age of 21 he controlled the company .

  6. 他名义上又掌管了这家公司十年。

    He remained in nominal control of the business for another ten years .

  7. 他掌管着1200人。

    He has 1 200 men under his command .

  8. 我这就把学校交给你掌管。

    I 'm leaving the school in your charge .

  9. 他现在掌管着加州南部最大的零售发展企业。

    He now controls the largest retail development empire in southern California

  10. 赖希尔从公司的离职被认为是因为与现在掌管公司的老约翰·赖希尔意见不合。

    Reihill 's departure from the company is thought to follow disagreements with John Reihill Sr , who now controls the company .

  11. 从理论上说,他掌管着美国账户里的4亿美元。然而,事实上,是美国财政部和国务院在掌控那些账户。

    Theoretically he had control over more than $ 400 million in US accounts . But , in fact , it was the US Treasury and State Department who controlled those accounts

  12. 这位严厉的母亲掌管了全家。

    The stern mother has gained the upper hand of the family .

  13. 各项事务都有专人掌管。

    Each matter is taken care of by a specially assigned person .

  14. 埃洛普掌管诺基亚时,诺基亚的市值每天下降2300万美元,从数字上看,他是史上最糟糕的CEO之一。

    Each day that Elop spent in charge of Nokia , the company 's market value declined by $ 23 million , making him , by the numbers , one of the worst CEOs in history .

  15. 通过他们的计算,苹果公司在乔布斯先生掌管的第一阶段有37%的创新溢价。

    Apple , by their calculations , had a 37 percent innovation premium during Mr. Jobs ' first term with the company .

  16. 魏文侯喝酒喝得正高兴,忽然想起与掌管山泽田猎的虞人越好打猎时间到了。

    One day Wei Wenhou has drinking merrily when he suddenly remembered that it was time go to hunt with Yu Ren who was in charge of mountains and rivers and hunting .

  17. 据三位知情人士透露,李彤目前掌管着香港中银国际(BankofChinaInternational)旗下的一家私募股权基金,业务集中在媒体行业。

    Ms Li now runs a private equity fund at Hong Kong-based Bank of China International focusing on the media sector , according to three people familiar with the matter .

  18. 现年55岁、掌管超过8000亿美元资产的高盛资产管理(GoldmanSachsAssetManagement)董事长奥尼尔依然乐观。

    O'Neill , the 55-year-old chairman of Goldman Sachs asset management ( GS ) , which oversees more than $ 800 billion , remains optimistic .

  19. 掌管4000万英镑的GLG科技股本基金(GLGTechnologyEquity,以前名为SG科技基金)青睐小盘成长型股票。

    The 40m GLG Technology Equity fund ( formerly SG Technology ) favours small-cap growth stocks .

  20. 但谁知道掌管etf的银行家是否诚实呢?

    But who knows if the bankers running the ETF are honest ?

  21. 《好莱坞报道》还证实了EpicRights公司将掌管布兰妮的电商业务,包括可能会有的同亚马逊的合作。

    It has been confirmed , too , that the firm will take charge of her e-commerce commitments including a possible link up with Amazon , according to The Hollywood Reporter .

  22. 掌管巴塞尔银行监管委员会(baselcommitteeonbankingsupervision)的央行行长和监管官员表示,他们将最迟在今年底决定是否将更多资产纳入缓冲的范围。

    The governors and supervisors who oversee the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision said that they will decide by the end of this year whether to include more assets in the buffer .

  23. 这种角色并不难理解非执行董事长掌管董事会,而CEO管理企业但公司必须定期解释这种角色。

    The role is not hard to grasp – the non-executive chairman runs the board and the chief executive runs the business – but it must be regularly explained .

  24. 根据知情人士透露,董事会的成员一直在讨论让伊丽莎白默多克进入董事会,因为新闻集团近期收购了她掌管的ShineGroup电视公司。

    Board members have been discussing Elisabeth Murdoch joining the News Corp. board following News Corp. 's acquisition of the TV production company she runs , Shine Group , according to people familiar with the matter .

  25. 港口运营商迪拜世界港口公司(DPWorld)掌管亚太地区业务的PeterWong表示:好消息是,我的[航运公司]客户的发货量正在企稳。

    The good thing is that volumes are stabilising for my [ shipping line ] customers , says Peter Wong , who manages terminal operator DP World 's operations in Asia Pacific .

  26. 沃伦巴菲特(WarrenBuffett)掌管着一个独特的组合,他所执掌的伯克希尔哈撒韦公司(BerkshireHathaway)结合了工业集团与投资基金业务,结果很不错。

    Warren Buffett runs a unique combination of industrial conglomerate and investment fund at Berkshire Hathaway , and it has worked well for him .

  27. 他可能会掌管一个职能部门,比如产品或工程,或者,他拥有更广泛的运营职权,挂着COO头衔。

    He may run a function , such as product or engineering , or they have a broader operational role and carry a coo title .

  28. 纽约泛欧交易所首席执行官邓肯·尼德奥尔(DuncanNiederauer)预计将继续掌管新公司。

    Duncan Niederauer , chief executive of NYSE Euronext , is expected to keep that job in the new company .

  29. 就连有超人之称的香港首富李嘉诚(LiKa-shing)也折损了一半财富。李嘉诚掌管着一个不断发展壮大的商业帝国,足跨国际房地产、石油天然气以及电信等行业。

    Even superman Li Ka-shing , the city 's richest person , who heads a sprawling international property , oil and gas and telecommunications empire , had lost half his fortune .

  30. 苹果公司的具体创新工作更多地是由乔布斯的副手掌管,例如负责苹果工业设计团队的高级副总裁乔纳森•埃维(JonathanIve)。

    The hands-on work of Apple 's innovations depend more directly on subordinates such as Jonathan Ive , an Apple senior vice president who oversees the company 's industrial design team .