
  • 网络Bodee;Bodie;Body;Bertie
  1. 那我们为什么不搬去皮博迪学区

    why didn 't we move into the Peabody School district ?

  2. 埃兹拉斯托博迪银行大楼后墙壁,早已粉刷得雪白锃亮。

    The rear of Ezra stowbody 's bank was whitewashed .

  3. 博迪科技,您财富的保障!

    Boddy science and technology , your wealth safeguard !

  4. 既然你这么想让我们去皮博迪学校

    If you wanted us to go to the Peabody School so bad ,

  5. 没有我们要去皮博迪

    No. We go to Peabody .

  6. 美国卡特中心的选举观察人士大卫。博迪说,这使得总统当选人和议员合作的能力比他的个人成功更重要。

    Electoral observer David Pottie from the U.S. - based Carter Center says that makes the presidential winner 's ability to work with lawmakers even more crucial to his success .

  7. 《时装趋势预报》色彩及女性服饰总监简?莫宁顿?博迪对《女性时间》主持人简?加维表示,粉色从2011年起就已经重获新生。

    Jane Monington Boddy , Director Of Colour and Womenswear at ? WGSN , told Woman 's Hour host Jane Garvey that the colour has been enjoying a rebirth since 2011 .