
  • 网络BOT;Bott;Burt
  1. 从博特利到牛津有一路公共汽车,按时发车,十分便利。

    Botley is well serviced by a regular bus route into Oxford .

  2. Liebert(力博特)UPS的使用与维护

    The Use and Maintenance of Liebert UPS

  3. 微软监察员、多款Windows指南的作者艾德&12539;博特(EdBott)表示,用户应该直接升级至Windows8.1,今后的更新将令系统越来越像Windows7。

    Ed Bott , Microsoft watcher and author of many Windows guides , says people should make the jump to 8.1 , and that the next updates will make the system more similar to Windows 7 .

  4. 出于对全球市场需求的担忧,ENCE公司缩小了施工面积,但是这家公司仍旧迫切地希望重启并完成施工。施工完成之后,这将达到博特尼亚工厂的类似规模。

    It scaled down construction owing to concerns over global demand , but is keen to restart and finish construction of what would be a similar-sized plant to Botnia ' s.

  5. 目的应用经阴道彩色多普勒超声,分析宫颈纳博特囊肿的声像图表现。

    Objective To analyse the ultrasound pictures of cervix uteri Naboth 's cysts .

  6. 火锅,或较少中国火锅,是指一些中品种斯廷博特炖。

    Hot pot , or less commonly Chinese fondue , refers to several Chinese varieties of steamboat stew .

  7. 定性描述和定量分析想结合:在对博特公司的人力资源现状进行研究分析时,首先对数据进行了分析,进而得出一些相关的特征描述。

    Qualitative and quantitative analysis are combined : First were used the data analysis , draw some related characteristics description .

  8. 因此,在阿道夫·希特勒的反闪族法律下,英格博特被拒绝参加最后答辩。

    So , under Adolf Hitler 's anti-Semitic race laws , Ingeborg was refused entry to the final oral exam .

  9. 这次合作对我国与中国的能源策略与经济合作起到很重要的作用。哈博特引用谚语说到。

    " This agreement signifies the importance of our strategic energy and economic cooperation with china ," harbert was quoted as saying .

  10. 显然,这一种鸽子是斯蒂克博特最好的飞鸽之一。该鸽子从图尔斯赛事飞回来后,颈部气囊感染。

    Apparently this was one of Stichelbaut 's best flyers and had returned from a race from Tours with his air-sacs over inflated .

  11. 德克萨斯州马绍尔的陪审团认为,该公司的紫杉属表达支架和李博特支架侵犯了萨弗朗的专利权。

    A jury in Marshall , Texas , concluded that the company 's Taxus Express and Taxus Liberte stents infringe on Saffran 's patents .

  12. (例如,在亚拉巴马州的卡尔博特电厂一号电机,已被给予第一阶段许可排放量13570吨。)

    ( For example , generator # 1 at the Colbert plant in Alabama is given a Phase I allowance of 13,570 tons . )

  13. 斯廷博特山地势险恶,行驶在阿拉斯加公路上的长途货车司机无不对它敬畏有加,冬季尤为如此。

    Steamboat Mountain is a man-killer , and truckers who haul1 ) the Alaska Highway treat it with respect , particularly in the winter .

  14. 女性,我认为可以有一定权威性的这样说,特别是在博特纳他们听不见我这样说,他们听不到我们说。

    Women , I feel I can say this authoritatively , especially at Barnard where they can 't hear us , what am I talking about ?

  15. 实际上,全球经济危机下乌拉圭的制造业普遍下滑,而博特尼亚的这家工厂则被证实是个例外。

    Indeed , the Botnia plant is proving to be an exception to the general downturn in manufacturing that Uruguay is facing in light of the international crisis .

  16. 英格博特给他们留下了深刻的印象。周二,汉堡大学医学中心举行了一个特殊的仪式,授予她被纳粹偷走的博士学位。

    They were impressed and a special ceremony took place at Hamburg University Medical Centre on Tuesday , in which she finally received the PhD that the Nazis stole from her .

  17. 上个月,三名汉堡大学医学系教授来到英格博特位于东柏林的家中,在客厅里对她战前做的研究工作进行考试。

    Three professors from Hamburg University 's medical faculty travelled last month to Ingeborg 's sitting room in east Berlin to test her on the work she carried out in pre-war Germany .