
bó shì hòu
  • postdoctor;post-doctoral
博士后 [bó shì hòu]
  • [postdoctoral] 指在取得博士学位后,以取得科研经验、提高科研能力为目的、继续从事一定时间的科研活动的教学制度。也指从事博士后活动的人

博士后[bó shì hòu]
  1. 交通运输工程一级学科设有博士后);IL动站。

    Transport Engineering first-class discipline has a post-doctoral P & D base .

  2. YL乳业借助于自身雄厚的产业基础以及与高等院校和科研院所多年的合作关系,建立了博士后流动站。

    YL Dairy has established its own post-doctoral workstations according to its strengthen industry foundations and corporative relationship with several universities and relevant research institutes .

  3. “以我的机构和教学的工作量,我没有博士后和研究生,”加州州立多明格兹冈大学热带生物学家特里·麦格林说道。

    With my institution and teaching load , I don 't have postdocs and grad students " , says Terry McGlynn , a tropical biologist at California State University , Dominguez Hills .

  4. 罗丝·孟恩思是名在英国剑桥大学研究进化生物学的博士后,他是开放科学的忠实捍卫者,部分原因是他以以化石为基础的研究需要依靠他人的数据。

    Ross Mounce , a postdoc studying evolutionary biology at the University of Cambridge , UK , is a vocal champion of open science , partly because his fossil based research on access to others ' data .

  5. 达特和同事们研究了1,200多封申请地球科学博士后的推荐信。

    Dutt and her colleagues studied more than 1,200 letters of recommendation for postdoctoral positions in geoscience .

  6. 和男性申请者相比,女性在申请地球科学博士后时,其获得优秀推荐信的几率大概是男性的一半。

    Female applicants to postdoctoral positions in geosciences were nearly half as likely to receive excellent letters of recommendation , compared with their male counterparts .

  7. MayHan是斯坦福大学的博士后学者和这篇文章的共同首作者。

    May Han , a postdoctoral scholar at Stanford and co-first author of the paper .

  8. 在IBM研究中心待了一段时间后,他到康奈尔大学研读博士后。

    After some time at IBM Research , he did a post-doc at Cornell .

  9. 该研究所博士后研究员汉密尔顿接受科学新闻网站ScienceDaily采访时说:我们给了德普一些基本数据,最难做的工作都是由她来完成的。

    We gave her this basic idea , and she did the heavy lifting , Hamilton , a postdoctoral research fellow at the institute , told Science Daily .

  10. 第二项研究由约翰霍普金斯大学博士后研究员格雷厄姆·H·迪林(GrahamH.Diering)领导。

    The second study was led by Graham H. Diering , a postdoctoral researcher at Johns Hopkins University .

  11. 里恩在斯坦福大学(Stanforduniversity)做博士后时就决定要尝试证明这些新的RNA分子具有重要的作用。

    As a postdoctoral fellow at Stanford University , Rinn decided he would try to show that one of these new RNA molecules had some important role .

  12. 现年37岁、育有两个孩子的科恩・卡多什在以色列本-古里安大学(Ben-GurionUniversity)读完研究生之后到伦敦大学学院(UniversityCollegeLondon)做博士后研究,师从文森特・沃尔什(VincentWalsh)。

    The 37-year-old father of two completed graduate school at Ben-Gurion University in Israel before coming to London to do postdoctoral work with Vincent Walsh at University College London .

  13. 我们不能指望延长睡眠时间可以奇迹般地解决所有的性问题,该研究的主要作者,密歇根大学(UniversityofMichigan)的博士后戴维·A·卡姆巴克(DAVIDA.Kalmbach)说。

    Getting more sleep should not be expected to magically fix all sexual problems , said the lead author , David A. Kalmbach , a postdoctoral resident at the University of Michigan .

  14. “我们的研究显示饮食中替换红肉或减少红肉的量有重要的健康益处,”哈佛公共健康学院博士后研究员AdamM。

    " Our study shows that making substitutes for red meat or minimizing the amount of red meat in the diet has important health benefits ," Adam M.

  15. 斯坦福另一研究员、博士后学者SusanColler博士也是该文章的作者。

    Postdoctoral scholar Susan Coller , PhD , is the other Stanford researcher included as an author of this publication .

  16. 另外,我们实验室的一位博士后Bin发现并修复了一个软件中的臭虫,这个臭虫有可能导致“1%”问题(无限循环)。

    Additionally , a bug was found and fixed by Bin , a post doc in our lab , that may have been causing the " 1 % " continual loop .

  17. 粒子打中了探测器,这个探测器是他,和他的一个博士后叫Hans,Geiger的人。

    And what he used was a detector here , so he here could detect how many particles were hitting this detector .

  18. 因此,在科罗拉多州从事博士后研究时,她决定尝试使用X射线衍射确定RNA的三维原子结构并且取得了成功,尽管她没有经过正规的技术训练。

    So as a postdoctoral researcher in Colorado , she decided to try to determine the three-dimensional atomic structure of RNA using X-ray diffraction & and succeeded , though she had had no formal training in the technique .

  19. 去年春天,兰格和博士后研究员德博拉·菲利普斯(DeborahPhillips)在聊天时谈起了逆时针研究。

    Last spring , Langer and a postdoctoral researcher , Deborah Phillips , were chatting when the subject of the counterclockwise study came up .

  20. 杜德纳的两个博士后马丁·伊内克(MartinJinek)和克日什托夫·黑林斯基(KrzysztofChylinski),最终找到了两段RNA以及由细菌产生的蛋白质系统,又被称为Cas9蛋白系统,它可以在DNA特定位置进行剪切。

    Along with postdoctoral researchers Martin Jinek and Krzysztof Chylinski , the two scientists eventually figured out how two pieces of RNA join up with a protein made by the bacteria called Cas9 to cut DNA at a specific spot .

  21. CJ帕斯科是数码青年项目与社会变迁的研究,美国加州大学伯克利分校的研究所博士后学者。

    CJ Pascoe is Postdoctoral Scholar with the Digital Youth Project at the Institute for the Study of Social Change , University of California , Berkeley .

  22. SaraAton,理学博士,Herzog实验室的毕业生,现在为宾西法尼亚州立大学的博士后;

    D. , a graduate student in Herzog 's lab who is now a postdoctoral researcher at the University of Pennsylvania , James Huettner , Ph.

  23. MatthewSimon是Shokat实验室的博士后,他制作出了携带期望甲基标记的H3和H4组蛋白纯样品。

    Matthew Simon , a postdoctoral fellow in Shokat 's laboratory , produced pure samples of H3 and H4 histones with the desired methylation marks .

  24. 这位75岁的科学家至今已经指导了超过200名研究生、博士和博士后,还在康奈尔大学(Cornell)教授化学入门,同时与人合作剧本,发表诗歌。

    The 75-year-old scientist has advised over 200 graduate students , Ph.D.s , and postdocs , taught introductory chemistry at Cornell , co-authored plays , and published poetry .

  25. 接下来这个问题来自土尔齐的HasanEker问关于在美国获得博士后学位。

    Next , a question from Turkey : Hasan Eker asks about getting a postdoctoral position in the United States .

  26. 通常,我们会发现,我们没有那么彼此不同,但通常是不同的,足以避免集体“通用NCAR的博士后”标签。

    Typically , we 'd find out that we weren 't so different from one another , but usually different enough to avoid collective " Generic NCAR Postdoc " labeling .

  27. 鉴于赔率被授予一NCAR的博士后,我想找到列出这些谁选择少数人,超出其无疑令人印象深刻的出版和获奖。

    Given the odds of being awarded an NCAR postdoc , I wanted to find out who these chosen few were , beyond their undoubtedly impressive publication and award lists .

  28. U-M生物医学工程部门的该项研究的第一作者,从事博士后研究的Yen-ChihHuang博士负责该模型系统的创建。

    First author and postdoctoral fellow Yen-Chih Huang , Ph.D. , of the U-M Division of Biomedical Engineering , led the creation of the modeling system .

  29. 学校设有51个专业,有113个硕士学位授权点,另设MBA,MPA、工程硕士3个专业学位授权点,67个博士学位授权点,国家级重点学科7个,博士后流动站10个。

    The University has designed 51 undergraduate programs , 113 master 's degree programs with 3 discipline programs of MBA , MPA and engineering master , and 67 doctoral degree programs . It has 7 state key disciplines and 10 post-doctorate research stations .

  30. Peterson和JulienViaud(Peterson实验室的博士后研究员),在杂志肿瘤分子治疗发表他们的研究结果,现在可上网查询。

    Peterson and Julien Viaud , a postdoctoral researcher in the Peterson lab , published their findings in the journal Molecular Cancer Therapeutics , available online now .