
  1. 他在拍卖行、古玩店和跳蚤市场中寻宝。

    He finds material at auctions , antique shops and flea markets .

  2. 为了寻宝,他们必须挖得很深。

    They had to dig very deep in order to find the treasure .

  3. 有很多活动,包括图书馆里的英语书展和寻宝活动。

    There are a lot of activities including an English book fair in the library and a treasure hunt .

  4. 我的思绪就转到了寻宝的旅途上。

    my thoughts turned to the voyage and the search for treasure .

  5. 老实说,在情况最好的时候我也不喜欢寻宝航行,

    Now , I don 't like trea - sure voyages7 at the best of times ,

  6. 我的名字叫吉姆·霍金斯,我经历了寻宝的全过程,故事始于公元一千七百多年。那时我还是个孩子,我父亲在布莱克希尔湾开了一家名叫“本葆将军”的客店。

    My name is Jim Hawkins , and I was in the story right from the start , back in 17 - . I was only a boy then , and it all began at the time my father owned the Admiral Benbow inn4 , at Black Hill Cove5 .

  7. Glass医生想进到掠夺者脑子里寻寻宝

    Dr. Glass wants to go in for a treasure hunt inside the skitter 's skull .

  8. FBI捕快:寻宝专家本?盖茨又获得了新闻。

    FBI Agent : Treasure hunter Ben Gates is on the news again .

  9. 据BusinessInsider调查,脸书的实习生们还能在公司吃到免费的三餐,观看戏剧演出,到旧金山湾的恶魔岛上游览观光,还能几个人一起玩寻宝游戏。

    The interns also get free food for breakfast , lunch , and dinner on Facebook 's campus , theater performances , Alcatraz tours and scavenger hunts , according to Business Insider .

  10. 2004年上映的电影《寻宝假期》(WithoutaPaddle)描述了三名友人深入林野搜寻失落的赎金,最终他们找到了库珀的遗骸。

    The 2004 movie " Without a Paddle " was about three friends who headed into the wilderness in search of the lost ransom money and ended up finding his skeleton .

  11. 但是Hulu这样的流媒体不再满足于制作新剧,它们还在旧剧中寻宝。

    But streaming services like Hulu aren 't just producing new shows , they 're also salvaging old ones .

  12. 所有的客人可以访问监工lego工厂,还有可以打开房间里的宝箱,完成酒店的寻宝游戏。

    All guests have access to a Master Builder Lego workshop and there are also treasure chests in the room unlocked only by completing the hotel 's scavenger hunt .

  13. 两年前,它要求八卦网站Gawker停止一项承诺给予第一代iPad照片发布者10万美元奖励的“寻宝行动”。

    Two years earlier it asked Gawker to halt a " scavenger hunt " in which the gossip site offered $ 100,000 for a photo of the first iPad .

  14. 这是个化妆舞会,你要隐瞒自己的身份。但我今晚的确是有给Nate的特别安排。是一个游戏,寻宝游戏。

    Blair : It 's a masquerade . , you have to conceal your identity , but I do have something special planned for Nate tonight . It 's a game .

  15. 后来,有人发现这具骨架是从蒙古的戈壁沙漠偷来的,而这位买家则是尼古拉斯·凯奇(NicolasCage),他曾经主演过几十部影片,还曾经在一部系列大片中饰演寻宝者。

    As it turns out , the skull had been stolen from the Gobi Desert in Mongolia , and the buyer was Nicolas Cage , an actor who among his dozens of films has starred in a movie franchise about the hunt for rare treasures .

  16. 或许,应该像电信公司TELUS的做法一样,新员工入职的时候,必须通过一个寻宝游戏,找到和联系位于世界各地的同事。

    Perhaps when employees are brought on board they are taken through a scavenger hunt where they must find and connect with colleagues around the world ; something telecommunications company TELUS does for new recruits .

  17. 但是,这样一个简单的、单字母的替换规则,只要通过观察字母的频率、相同字母的规律等等,就可以很容易地破解。在普林斯顿的寻宝游戏中,艾伦他们通过设计一些XERXES之类的古怪词语,来增加破解的难度,

    Such a simple , or ' mono-alphabetic ' cipher could easily be solved by looking at letter frequencies , common words , and so forth , and in fact the only point of puzzle-page problems was that the setter would include peculiar words like XERXES to make this difficult .

  18. 我的一个朋友在玩寻宝游戏

    So a friend of mine is running a scavenger hunt ,

  19. 大家听好喽,现在公布寻宝名次!

    Listen , now is the time to announce the ranking .

  20. 这里总是有人寻宝的人。

    There 's always somebody who wants to look for treasure .

  21. 在家里开展一次寻宝。

    Go on a treasure hunt in your own home .

  22. 我们是来超市购物,不是玩寻宝游戏

    It 's a grocery store , not a sorority scavenger hunt .

  23. 我们又到我家玩“寻宝”游戏。

    We were having a treasure hunt at my house .

  24. 有些人把到汽车库甩卖场去寻宝购物变成了一种业务爱好;

    Some people have made garage-sale shopping into a hobby ;

  25. 布洛克·罗威特,以从事海地寻宝闻名

    Treasure hunter Brock Lovett is best known for finding Spanish gold .

  26. 普林斯顿的寻宝游戏,现在产生了一个严肃的结果。

    The Princeton treasure hunts therefore had a serious consequence .

  27. 金庸小说寻宝母题的佛经文学来源

    The Buddhist Literature Origin of Treasure Searching Motif in Jin Yong 's Novels

  28. 艾米丽?阿普尔顿:你是一个寻宝专家,不是吗?

    Emily appleton : you 're a treasure hunter , aren 't you ?

  29. 寻宝图上的十字标识出了宝藏的地点。

    The cross on the treasure map marks the location of the booty .

  30. 在聚会上,我们还玩了寻宝游戏。

    We had a scavenger hunt at the party .