
Zhānɡ Liánɡ
  • chief counsellor of Liu Bang
  1. 我说了我的名字是张良!

    I said my name is Jang ryang !

  2. 他多次为曹操出谋划策,运筹帷幄,时人称其有张良、陈平之才。

    He has plans to Cao Cao , strategist , when he has called Liang , Chen 's only .

  3. 张良告诉他不要担心,过些天就有东风。

    Zhuge told him not to worry and there would be an east wind in a couple of days .

  4. 后来张良卖剑访韩信,告诉他,你必须弃楚投汉,方能大鹏展翅。

    Afterward Zhang Liangmai the sword visited Han Xin , told him , you must abandon Chu Touhan , Fang Nengda the huge mythical bird spreads the wings .

  5. 来自中国东北省份辽宁的医生张良说道:“我的一个朋友在非洲的一家诊所非常好。

    Zhang Liang , a doctor from China 's northeastern province of Liaoning , said , " A friend of mine has a clinic in Africa which was doing really well .

  6. 再次,通过对《圯桥进履》和《楚歌》两首古琴曲的综述,对张良与音乐的相关研究提出了新的视点。

    Again , through the " Wherever the bridge into the discharge " and " Songs of Chu " 2 Review of Guqin Music , the " Zhang Liang and music " of the relevant study proposes a new perspective .

  7. 汉初三杰萧何、张良、韩信都为西汉王朝的建立作出过重要贡献,但是西汉王朝建立后三人的命运却有天壤之别。

    Three Outstanding heroes of Early Han Dynasty , Zhang Liang , Xiao He and Han Xin gave important contributions to the establishment of the Western Han Dynasty , but the fate of the three people in the Western Han Dynasty established a huge difference .

  8. 因此,可以说由吴地歌谣中张良与山歌传说引发的一系列研究考探,无论对于民俗学、历史学、还是音乐学来说都颇具广泛的研究空间和价值。

    Therefore , it can be said in songs by the Wu " Zhang Liang and folk songs " Legend of test probe triggered a series of studies , both for the folklore , history , science or music are quite extensive research for the space and value .