
  • 【中医】Zhang Jingyue
  1. 张景岳的情志学术思想研究

    Research on the Academic Thoughts of Emotion-Thought of Zhang Jingyue

  2. 张景岳补阴法初探

    Discussion on Tonifying Yin of zhang Jingyue

  3. 张景岳对中医耳鼻喉科的贡献

    Zhang Jingyue 's Contribution to Otorhinolaryngology

  4. 明代医家张景岳是中医学中对情志理论发展颇有影响力的人物之一,对情志与情志病有着深刻的认识。

    Zhang Jingyue is one of famous TCM doctors who have influenced research on the theory of emotion-thought of TCM .

  5. 明代张景岳著《景岳全书》列郁证专篇,予以系统阐述,为后世论治郁证奠定了基础。

    Ming Zhang Jing Yue , " Jing Yue Book " Melancholia out of the chapter , be systematically explained , for the treatment of Melancholia later laid the foundation .

  6. 晚明赵献可、张景岳创立温补学派,赵献可的命门学说对后世的中医基础理论有较深远的影响。

    In the late Ming dynasty , Zhao Xianke and Zhang Jingyue founded the warm-tonification school , Zhao 's theory on vital gate exerted profound influence on he basic theory of later ages .