
shī yù
  • stagnation of dampness
  1. DBIL/IBIL≥1患者如出现脉数、苔黄提示湿郁化热。

    If quick pulse and yellow tongue fur appeared in patients with DBIL / IBIL ≥ 1 , it indicates that the presence of heat conversion of the dampness stagnancy .

  2. 研究证明:1.脉痹理论在指导该病治疗中具有重要应用价值,风、湿、郁、热导致(心脉)不通与(心脏)不荣为其基本病机。

    The study shows : 1 . the theory of vessel impediment has important application value in treating the disease , wind , wet , depression and heat that lead to the occlusion of heart vessel and cardiac innutrition is the basic pathogenesis of vessel impediment .

  3. 邪气的类别,不外寒型、热型、风型、湿型、郁型。

    The types of pathogenic qi include cold , heat , dampness , wind , stagnation .

  4. 内热证的表现形式多种多样,既可与痰湿、气郁、血瘀相兼为患,表现为湿热、郁热、瘀热,也可单独出现。

    There are a variety of forms of the performance of the internal heat syndromes , which can appear with phlegm , qi depression or blood stasis simultaneously , and manifested as humid-heat , heat retention , stagnated heat , etc. , or appear alone as well .

  5. 实者,气滞、湿阻、火郁、血瘀为病之标。

    And the stagnation of qi , dampness , fire and blood is the incidental of the disease .

  6. 以虚、湿、热、郁、瘀、气滞、津亏、痰为主要证候要素;

    The syndrome key elements were mainly deficiency , dampness , heat , depression , blood stasis , qi-stagnation , fluid consumption and phlegm .

  7. 在不同生存时间段的患者中,气虚质、阳虚质、阴虚质、痰湿质、气郁质、血瘀质分布频数存在差异。

    In different survival time of patients , qi deficiency , Yang deficiency , Yin deficiency , phlegm wet of blood stasis , qi depression quality , and the distribution of frequency were difference .

  8. 在中医体质调查中,以痰湿质、气郁质、平和质为多数,其次为血瘀质、气虚质、湿热质等。

    Survey of TCM constitution , phlegm , Qi quality for the majority , followed by stasis quality of gentleness , of damp-heat , yang quality , yin deficiency , qi deficiency , especially intrinsic quality .

  9. 对病毒性肝炎的病理因素金师重视湿、热、郁、瘀、毒,病变脏腑着眼肝、脾、肾,以疏肝运脾为基本治则。

    Professor Jin emphasize on the pathogenic factors of virus hepatitis , pathogenic dampness , heat , qi stagnation , stasis , toxin . So the basic principle for treatment is to soothe live and strengthen the spleen , mainly treating liver , spleen , and kidney .