
shī dù biǎo
  • hygrometer;humidiometer
  1. 方法每月中旬由护士用同一个湿度表测量同一类型恒温箱的相对湿度并进行登记。

    Methods The relative humidity in the incubators of same type were measured by nurses with the same hygrometer and recorded in the middle ten days of each month .

  2. 毛发湿度表(计)测量不确定度评定实例

    Determination of Uncertainty of Humidity Measurement Errors of Hair Hygrometer

  3. 湿度表(计)检定装置不确定度分析

    Uncertainty Analysis of Calibration Equipment for Hygrometers

  4. 多功能温湿度表的研制

    Development of multifunction thermometer-hygrometer

  5. 介绍一种新编制的环境试验用相对湿度查算表

    A New Relative Humidity Table for Environmental Test

  6. GB/T6999-1986环境试验用相对湿度查算表

    Relative humidity tables for environmental test

  7. 本方法简便、准确,如计算结果四舍五入保留整数,则与湿度查算表数值完全吻合。

    This calculation method is not only simple but also accurate in calculation and if a calculation result is rounded it will equal to the result obtained from the humidity table .

  8. 通过对湿度查算表湿度、干球温度、干湿球温差数据间关系的分析研究,提出一种根据湿度基准值进行二次线性插值求得湿度测量值的计算方法。

    Based on Benchmark data , a calculation method for relative air humidity using linear insertion method was put forward , through analyzing the relations among humidity , dry-bulb temperature and damp bulb temperature contrast .

  9. 与每一对干湿泡温度相对应的相对湿度值可从表上查得。

    The relative humidity corresponding to any pair of wet-and dry-bulb temperatures is read from tables .

  10. 本文介绍了DJM10型湿度检定箱在计量湿度计(表)时应注意的问题以及如何提高工作效率、保证数据质量的措施。

    This text introduces DJM10 humidity examination box should notice the problem while calculate hygrometer ( form ) and how to raise the working efficiency , as well as assurance data quality .

  11. 其软件设计包括系统监控、温湿度传感器非线性校正、双精度湿度表的建立及查表计算等程序。

    The software consists of some programs such as system supervision , nonlinear emendation of temperature and humidity sensor , foundation of the dual precision hygrometer , and calculation of table look-at .