
shī xuě
  • wet snow;snow slush;snezhura;cooking snow
湿雪[shī xuě]
  1. 通往道森的小道上覆盖着30英尺高的湿雪,雪即使落下也不会变暖。

    The path to Dawson was covered with thirty feet of wet snow that could fall without warming .

  2. 这些小男孩把湿雪捏成雪球。

    The little boys press wet snow hard to make snowballs .

  3. 我国危害性较大的湿雪雪崩

    A Wet Snow Avalanche with Heavy Harmfulness in China

  4. 湿雪的密实化与颗粒粗化过程研究

    Densification and Grain Coarsening of Melting Snow

  5. 大约15厘米的湿雪与2.5厘米的雨所含的水量一样多。

    About fifteen centimeters of wet snow has as much water as two-and-one-half centimeters of rain .

  6. 拿起铲子和移动几百磅的湿雪,尤其是在几个月内没做运动后,可能在心脏上施加一个大的压力。

    Picking up a shovel and moving hundreds of pounds of wet snow , particularly after doing nothing physical for several months , can put a big strain on the heart .

  7. 周二在马里兰的弗罗斯特堡沿着68号州际公路的交通瘫痪了。飓风桑迪带来的湿雪以及大风横扫西弗吉尼亚和邻近的阿巴拉契亚州部分地区并引发恶劣天气。

    Traffic was halted along Interstate 68 in Frostburg , Maryland on Tuesday . Wet snow and high winds spinning off the edge of superstorm Sandy spread blizzard conditions over parts of West Virginia and neighboring Appalachian states .

  8. 低温、冻雨、湿雪、冰冻等天气会造成输电线路严重覆冰,引起覆冰闪络、导线舞动、断线、倒塔等电网灾害。

    Transmission line icing which is caused by the weather of low temperature , ice rain , wet snow and frost will bring forth disasters , such as icing flashover , transmission line galloping , line breaking , and tower collapse .

  9. 人生就像滚雪球一样,关键是找到很湿的雪和很长的坡。

    Life is like a snowball , the key is to find a very wet snow and a long slope .

  10. 这块板子高高挂在暖气片的上方,那儿可是厨房里最温暖的地方,我们常在那儿挂湿抹布和粘着雪的手套。

    The board hung above the radiator , where we drape wet rags and mittens dripping with snow , in the warmest spot in the kitchen .

  11. 我们只有相对较短的时期会出现降雪,而且大多是湿而重的雪&是最难对付的那种。

    We only experience snow for relatively short periods and when we do it is mostly heavy and wet – the worst kind to cope with .