
  • 网络wet fog
  1. 3点半钟左右雨渐渐收了,变成了湿雾。

    The rain cooled about half past three to a damp mist .

  2. 三点半钟左右雨渐渐收了,变成了湿雾,不时还有几滴雨水像露珠一样在雾里飘着。

    The rain cooled about half-past three to a damp mist , through which occasional thin drops swam like dew .

  3. 纺织印染厂热湿车间排雾的研究

    A Study on Mist Removal in Textile Printing and Dyeing Plant

  4. 本文综述了纺织印染厂热湿车间排雾问题的研究成果。

    A review is made on the research achievements of mist-exhaust in workshops full of heat and damp .

  5. 冷却表面影响高湿气流局部凝雾及成膜现象

    Fogging and filming of high humidity gas flow under effect of cooling surface

  6. 上海城市湿岛与城区雾

    The urban moisture island and Urban Fog of Shanghai

  7. 探讨研究了东南沿海高温、高湿、高盐雾等恶劣气候环境对电子设备电子线路、结构件部分的腐蚀及其影响。

    The influence of southeastern coastal atmospheric environment , which was hot , humid , and salty , on electronic circuit and parts of electronic equipment was discussed .

  8. 海军飞机所处的高温、高湿、高盐雾腐蚀环境对飞机使用寿命有很大影响。

    The service life of aircraft is greatly influenced by the severe environment of naval aircraft where there are 3 highs : high temperature , high humidity and high salt fog corrosion .

  9. 讨论在海上高湿、高盐雾、温度变化大及钻机工作干扰环境下,如何保证传感器正常工作,确保测试数据准确可靠的问题,并提出了相应的技术措施。

    This paper discusses how to ensure transducers working properly and how to ensure measured data accurate and reliable in the environment of high humidity , high salt-fog , large temperature variation and interference of drilling rigs , and proposes corresponding techniques .

  10. 针对湿含量高达0.604kg(H2O)/kg(Air)的磷酸二铵尾气脱湿过程,提出雾状与膜状冷凝并存的机制。

    A mechanism of simultaneous fogging and film condensation was proposed to the dehumidification of exhaust gas from diammonium phosphate process , in which the humidity is as high as 0.604 kg ( H_2O ) / kg ( Air ) .