
  • 网络eczematoid
  1. 乳腺湿疹样癌12例误诊分析

    Misdiagnosis of eczematoid cancer of breast : analysis of twelve cases

  2. 一种独特类型的乳癌,病变的开始是乳头湿疹样改变的。

    This unique form of breast cancer begins as a weeping eczematoid lesion of the nipple .

  3. 光动力治疗肛周湿疹样癌1例报告

    Photodynamic therapy for Paget 's disease : report of one case

  4. 另一例不愈患者经病理检查确诊为湿疹样癌,经手术切除治愈。

    One case was diagnosed to have eczematous cancer and was subjected to operation .

  5. 湿疹样癌样原位黑素瘤1例

    A Case of Pagetoid Melanoma in Situ

  6. 建模豚鼠皮肤显示慢性湿疹样皮损特点,组织病理呈慢性湿疹样改变。

    The skin of morphology and histopathology of eczema models of guinea pig showed the eczematous features .

  7. 由依诺肝素继发的湿疹样斑疹

    Eczema-like plaques secondary to enoxaparin

  8. 结论:乳腺派杰氏病多数有典型的临床表现,凡有湿疹样表现者均要考虑本病的可能性;本病预后的关键在于早期治疗。

    Conclusion : The treatment in early stage is very important and influences the prognosis directly for Paget 's disease of breast .

  9. 在日光中紫外线作用下,这些物质发生变性,进而激发免疫系统,导致皮肤刺激即湿疹样皮疹。

    Ultraviolet light from the sun transforms the substance in a way that provokes the immune system , leading to irritated skin and eczemalike rashes .

  10. 当然,乳头乳晕部的湿疹样改变,不一定都是癌,其中有些就是单纯的湿疹。

    Of course , the tit breeds the eczema appearance of dizzy ministry is changed , differ choose a site for the capital is cancer , it is pure eczema a little among them .

  11. 结果:单纯癌36例,治愈32例;乳头状腺癌10例,治愈7例,乳头状湿疹样癌5例,治愈4例,血管内皮肉瘤5例,治愈1例。

    Results Simple cancer 36 cases , cured 32 cases , Papillary carcinoma 10 cases , cured 7 cases , paget disease 5 cases , cured 4 cases , Angiosarcoma 5 cases , cured 1 case .

  12. 结果治疗总有效率分别为湿疹96%,湿疹样皮炎100%,接触性皮炎97%,毛囊炎92%,手、足癣96%,体、股癣97%。

    Results The total efficacy rates were 96 % for eczema , 100 % for eczematous dermatitis , 97 % for contact dermatitis , 92 % for folliculitis , 96 % for tinea manuum or tinea pedis , 97 % for tinea corporis or tinea cruris .