
  • 网络damp-phlegm
  1. 即(一)气滞血瘀、湿痰火热是恶性肿瘤的基本病理变化;

    Qi stagnation and blood stasis 、 dampness and phlegm 、 fire and heat are basic pathogenesis of malignant cancer .

  2. 结果:252例脂肪肝中,以脾虚湿痰型和湿热内蕴型为最多。

    Results : Out of 252 fatty liver cases , most of them belonged to spleen asthenia and wetness phlegm , wetness heat stagnated within the body .

  3. 其主要病机为肾虚督寒,风寒湿痰瘀互结。

    And the main pathogenesis is the deficiency of spleen , liver and kidney , the pathogenic factors are wind-cold - dampness and interlocked phlegm and blood stasis .

  4. 方法:通过中医药治疗高脂血症的研究资料分析,认识到肺失宣降是高脂血症的成因之一,湿痰内盛是高脂血症的重要病机,祛湿化痰是其重要治法。

    Methods : After analyzing the research references of treating HLP with TCM and Chinese pharmacy , it has been realized that excess of damp phlegm is one of important pathological mechanisms of HLP , and eliminating dampness and phlegm is an important treatment method .

  5. 证素与肥胖关系的研究发现:肝、脾证素积分与气滞、湿、痰证素积分在肥胖组比非肥胖组有非常显著升高(P0.01)。

    The correlation study of syndrome elements and obesity found that : the accumulated points of liver , spleen and the accumulated points of Qi stagnation , dampness , phlegm , in the obese group increased significantly . 4 .

  6. 实证证素主要有气滞、血瘀、湿、痰。

    Sthenia syndromes were Qi stagnation , blood stasis , dampness , phlegm .

  7. 根据气、血、水、湿、痰、瘀、石7种病因及病机可用通法治脏病的多种病、症、证;

    Various diseases , symptom and syndrome can be treated with dredging method from the etiological factors such as Qi , blood , water , dampness , phlegm , blood stasis , calculus ;

  8. 病理因素以虚、瘀、热、湿、痰、燥为主,贯穿于糖尿病肾病病理演变的始终,是糖尿病肾病加重的关键因素。

    Pathological factors with asthenia , blood stasis , heat , dampness , sputum and dry primarily , throughout the evolution of DN , are always the key factors in increasing DN . 3 .

  9. 痰、湿与痰湿体质之间,既具有密切联系,又有层次上的区别。历代医家对痰湿体质理论的形成与发展作出了重要贡献。

    There are both close relation and differentiation among phlegm , dampness and phlegm-dampness constitution , and doctors of past dynasties have contribute for the formation , development and consummating of the phlegm-dampness constitution theories .

  10. 消痛祛湿汤能调理脏腑功能,清除湿浊痰瘀,降低血尿酸,无明显毒副作用,临床疗效确切,临床症状缓解较明显,有很高的临床实用价值。

    Xiaotong dampness soup conditioning organs function to clear the phlegm and dampness , reduce serum uric acid , no obvious side effects , clinical efficacy , the more obvious clinical symptoms , a high clinical value .

  11. 3对中医证型与转移器官进行分析,常见的中医证型有气虚、血瘀、痰湿、痰热,其中肝转移与血瘀之间存在相关,脑转移与痰热证存在相关。

    The common Chinese medicine syndrome in the cases are Qi deficiency , blood stasis , phlegm wetness and phlegm heat . The blood stasis is related with the liver metastasis and the phlegm wetness is related with the brain metastasis . 4 .

  12. 结论:加用苏子降气汤、五苓散治疗慢性阻塞性肺疾病急性加重期属中医痰湿、痰热蕴肺者有较好的临床疗效。

    Conclusions : Better clinical effects can be achieved for chronic obstructive disease of lung at the acute exacerbating period , which were classified into phlegm-dampness and accumulation of phlegm and heat in the lung by application of Suzi Jiangqi Decoction and Wuling Powder .

  13. 而且诸证的核心纽带为湿证和痰证。

    The tie of all these syndromes is damp and phlegm-fluid .

  14. 按中医证候可分为脾虚痰湿型、痰瘀互结型、肾虚血瘀型、肾虚肝郁型。

    Then they were devided into splenic virtual and phlegm dampness syndrome type , phlegmy and blood stasis type , kidney and stagnation of liver type , kidney and blood stasis type .

  15. 风寒湿痹和痰瘀进一步阻滞经络,造成经络闭阻,患者多出现四肢末端麻木、迟钝、疼痛,并且以疼痛为主要表现。

    Cold and dampness and phlegm and blood stasis further block the meridians , resulting in the meridians closed block , the patients extremities , numbness , dull pain , and pain as the main performance .

  16. 故根据眼底所见将本病概括为脾虚湿困、痰瘀互结及肝肾两虚三个基本证型,关国华认为脾气虚为早期发病重要因素。

    Hence , under fundus findings will be summarized in this disease Spleen wet storm , phlegm and blood stasis and kidney deficiency three basic license types , Kwan-hwa , an important factor in the incidence of early spleen-deficiency .

  17. 导师周岱翰教授根据肺癌的病理机转,认为大体上可将肺癌分为肺郁痰瘀、脾虚痰湿、阴虚痰热、气阴两虚,痰瘀毒结等四个证型。

    According to the pathogenesis , lung cancer were determined form four pattern : lung depression with phlegm stasis , spleen deficiency with phlegm damp , yin deficiency with phlegm heat , qi and yin deficiency and meeting phlegm stasis toxin .

  18. 吾师认为胃术后并发症病位在胃,脾胃虚弱是病机之本,而气滞、血瘀、湿蕴、痰阻、热郁、食滞为疾病之标。

    My teacher think gastric postoperative complications of disease in the stomach , spleen and stomach is the pathogenesis of this , and the stagnation of qi and blood stasis , wet Yun , phlegm , heat Yu , stagnation is the standard of the disease .

  19. 暗红舌主瘀血:黄苔主热,腻苔主湿、主痰,白苔主虚,这与糖尿病阴虚、气虚为本,燥热、气滞、瘀血、痰浊为标相一致。

    Dark red tongue , the main bleeding : Yellow fur hot , greasy fur wet , sputum , the white fur , virtual , and diabetes Yin , Qi-based , hot flashes , and qi stagnation , blood stasis , phlegm as the standard . 2 .

  20. 结果气道滴人两种气道湿化液吸痰前后痰液性状差异有统计学意义(P〈0.05);

    Results There were statistically significant differences in characteristics of sputum , before and'after instillation of two kinds of airway humidification fluid in airway .

  21. 痰、瘀是COPD病程漫长的原因,在痰湿基础上形成痰瘀互结是COPD反复发作、病情加重的原因。

    Sputum , blood stasis is a long course of COPD reasons , phlegm formed on the basis of phlegm and blood stasis guitar COPD is repeated attacks , the reasons for the increasing illness . 3 .

  22. 痤疮、黑棘皮症、多毛评分、BMI、WHR水平在组间比较P0.05,差异无显著意义,其中非痰湿型体毛较痰湿型浓密显著。

    Acne , a disease , hairy score , BMI , WHR level between groups in more P0.05 , no significant differences , of which the phlegmy wet body hair type is phlegmy wet type thick significant . 5 .

  23. 中医证型与病程差异有统计学意义(P0.05),病程较长的患者中痰湿内蕴型、痰瘀互结型较肝郁气滞型、肝郁脾虚型多见。

    The distribution of TCM syndrome types and course of disease have obvious correlation ( P0.05 ): Patients with long duration have damp-heat type and phlegm stagnation type more common than liver depression and qi stagnation type 、 liver depression and spleen weak type . 7 .

  24. 方法:将首发精神分裂症患者按中医辨证分为痰湿内阻型,痰火内扰型及其他型,应用利培酮治疗,使用PANSS、TESS、WCST等评定工具观察疗效、副反应、认知改善情况。

    Methods : Applying Risperidone to treat first episode schizophrenics who were divided into Phlegm-Dampness type , Phlegm-Fire type and other types in TCM , and observing them with PANSS , TESS and Wisconsin Card Sorting Test ( WCST ) .

  25. 脾虚痰湿型、气滞痰阻型肥胖女性体脂与β细胞功能变化的关系

    Relationship between Body Fat and β - cell Function in Obesity Women of Pi-deficiency with Phlegm-dampness Type and Qi-stagnancy with Phlegm-blocking Type

  26. 发病第28天的四诊信息分为气虚、痰湿、血瘀、痰热四类;

    The information of the 28 days indicated that the variables could cluster into qi deficiency , phlegm-wet , blood stagnation , phlegm-heat four groups ;

  27. 病性证素涉及血瘀、气滞、湿、热、痰、阳亢、阳虚、阴虚、气虚、血虚。

    Disease of blood stasis syndrome involving , qi stagnation , wet , heat , phlegm , Yang deficiency , yin deficiency , Yang , Qi , blood deficiency .

  28. 湿热浸淫证与湿热质,脾虚湿蕴证与痰湿质、气虚质,血虚风燥证与阳虚质、阴虚质,湿热瘀阻证与湿热质正相关。

    Heat and damp-heat syndrome steeped , spleen wet Yun syndrome and phlegm , qi deficiency , blood deficiency and wind dryness yang , yin deficiency , damp heat stasis and qualitative positive .

  29. 痹证发病,风、寒、湿、热、痰、瘀等邪气是痹证发生的条件,而正虚是其发生的内在基础。

    Arthralgia disease , wind , cold , wet , heat , phlegm , blood stasis is Arthralgia occurred in such evil conditions , and is the internal virtual is the basis of its occurrence .