
  • 网络phlegm-syndrome aggravated by mental strain;depressed sputum;dry phlegm-syndrome
  1. 乳腺增生病的基本病机是肝郁犯脾,脾虚运化失权,津液敷布障碍,水湿内停,与气、痰、瘀互阻于乳络所致;

    Stagnation of the liver qi and deficiency of the spleen ;

  2. 浅谈从气、痰、瘀论治食管癌

    Treatment for Carcinoma of Esophagus from Aspects of Qi , Phlegm and Blood Stasis

  3. 温胆汤证病机:胆胃不和,气郁痰搏,脾不健运。

    Pathological mechanism of Wendan Tang : Disequilibrium between gallbladder and stomach , qi stagnation and phlegm accumulation , dysfunction of spleen . 3 .

  4. 支气管腔内痰结节的CT表现

    CT findings of bronchial sputum nodule

  5. 方法:将88例因呼吸衰竭行气管切开使用呼吸机进行机械通气的患者,随机分为纤维支气镜吸痰灌洗及常规吸痰两组。

    Methods : Eighty-eight patients under the mechanical ventilation were randomly divided into two groups which included sputum suction and lavage using the bronchoscope and convertional sputum suction .

  6. 同时,气机郁阻、痰涎蓄积、血脉瘀阻又是热邪不散的影响因素。

    Meanwhile , Qi constraint , phlegm accumulation , blood stasis are the factors which make heat pathogen retention .

  7. 紧张型头痛的核心是气机失和,痰瘀阻络。

    The core of tension-type headache is disharmony of Qi and blockage of collaterals by phlegm and blood stasis .

  8. 结论越鞠丸是针对气、血、痰、火、湿、食郁结而设,重在行气解郁,能明显改善功能性消化不良的症状。

    Conclusion Yueju Pill is made for qi , blood , phlegm , fire , dampness and food stagnation , and can promote qi flow to relieve depression and the symptoms of hypopepsia .

  9. 病机:本病多为虚实夹杂之证,气阴不足为病机之本,气、火、痰、瘀为病机之标。

    Pathogenesis : This disease is the actual situation mixture of certificate , yin deficiency for the pathogenesis of this , gas , fire , phlegm , blood stasis for the pathogenesis of .